Saturday, April 21, 2012

Duel Spec Damage Low

Hi there! My toon is a level 66 human Warrior and I am not the most educated player trust me...I do a lot of reading.

However I finally took the plunge and purchased the duel spec for DPS. My talents are 7/51/0. Of course I just had to get the titans grip.

What I noticed right away was when I equipped my second sword my damage immediately went down to red. If I take it back off...the stats go back up. They are the both type of two handed swords and both are enchanted with Mongoose. So I'm not sure exactly is going on...could someone help me?

What do I need to do to bring up my damage again?


Ariesofdeath|||What are your talents for the other spec?|||Thanks for other specs are 3/0/55 all protection for tanking...|||Well, the talent reads:

"While you have a two-handed weapon equipped in one hand, your physical damage done is reduced by 10%"

Could that be what you're seeing?|||Did you actually look at the talents you had brought or just seen a build on the net and copied it? Titans grip reduces all damage done by 10% when there is a 2h-wep in the offhand slot, or you use a 2hand wep with a shield/one hander.

That said, the damage increase from having another twohander outstrips the 10% loss, so you are gaining damage, it just doesn't seem like it if you look at your stats.|||Great! Thanks everyone what you have said does make sense to me. And yes I read and read and spent alot of gold trying new things out on my talent tree to find one that suits my playing style. This one I found is new to me. I found the specs off of the armory.

I tried out the specs last night and I suppose I am so used to being a tank that its a little odd. LOL...I guess I'm not used to things running from me...

After you all mentioned it I looked at it again and yes your right about the 10% and thank you for answering my puzzling questions....


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