Monday, April 16, 2012

What is a good "thinking man's" class?

Thinking about picking up the new expansion. Used to roll a holy pally. Basically I like to play games where i can out think, rather then out button smash or out glitch, the other player. In other words 111211121113 is not the class for me.

So I ask, which class is best for someone like me ?|||Only you can figure that one out.

See above stickies, see threads in this very forum on the same topic as yours. See the responses.

Read sticky.

Take advice in sticky and threads on topic.|||Actually, if you bother a bit about correct damage rotation, no class is just button smashing. You can probably get by with that in every class, but you can always strive to be as efficient as possible and then button smashing won't work.|||They really have tried to move all the classes to more of a priority system vs. a set rotation. Even the old frost spec has been changed from a spam one spell spec to a spec that's damage is reliant on watching for and reacting properly to procs. It seems that more and more recently if a spec can /castsequence their rotation and not lose a chunk of dps, you can expect Blizzard to make some changes to the spec.

The biggest exception is probably tank specs. Their rotations tend to be simpler than others, simply because they have other things to worry about.

Also, most classes different specs will vary on how much they rely on priority vs. rotation. (So, getting what you want is probably more about which spec you pick in a class instead of which class you pick to start with.)|||Thank you both for posting with true advice, I did read the sticky but advice given in 2007 rarely remains valid at this time. So I don't feel as if I was breaking any cardinal rules by posting this thread.

Well it seems these new changes are great for people who like to be intellectually challanged. I think I have decided to roll a spriest, as it can do dps as well as heals.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. Any more advice is welcomed.|||Blizzard's philosophy is "Easy to play, hard to master" and they've done a pretty good job accomplishing that, aside from a few specs in certain classes. Healing has changed alot, so that spriest might work out well for you.

Personally, I think Hunters have some of the greatest potential as long as you can multi-task (I'm a bit biased at that since I tend to play that class the most, but I've played every class except Warlock to at least 50/60). You have a pet to manage (actually you can have up to 5 that you can switch between at max level, with a lot of abilities that shouldn't really be set to auto-use), lots of tactical abilities (traps that freeze/slow, ranged shots that silence/remove enrage, venom that reduces healing on the target, etc.), and many more.

On top of that Professions can matter too. First Aid I find very handy for 5-man dungeons to heal myself/group when the healer is busy or a little deficient (or to save on your own mana). Engineering can do wonders too, but sadly the older stuff is a bit unreliable, though still worth it in my opinion.

You might know all that since you're a returning player, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

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