Monday, April 16, 2012

Thinking about getting back (cataclysm)

Hey :) I used to play wow like 6 months before, but then i had to quit for a while. Now i see Cata is out and everyone is excited about it. So i'm thinking if i should get back. I've got 80 lvl Shaman, so i know wow a little. Here's some questions:

1. How is pvp? In wotlk i liked battlegrounds and stuff, but i didn't like the fact that i was bored by it after some time. Just do one bg every day, and repeat. Is pvp in cataclysm more motivating than in wotlk? Also what about honor ranks and world pvp?

2. Professions. I have Jewelcrafting, and although i like this profession, it all comes down to doing one boring quest every day. How it works in cataclysm?

3. Can you tell me about the overall feeling of pve? Is it hard, people cooperate or not, is community better than before

4. How much content Cataclysm provided? Wotlk had a lot of content, but when i started playing, it was only about icc and maybe some onyxia. Nobody cared about other raids, since it was pointless to do them. Again, how much content is in cataclysm?

5. Do you recommend coming back, or you advice to stay away from it.|||1. Hard to answer. A big PvE aspect of Cata is mobility and crowd control. As a result many classes have gotten stronger CC, which has a big impact on PvP. In addition, it takes longer to kill people (higher health en resilience) than in the past. Certain classes have gotten stronger and others weaker, but there's a new patch coming soon that is the first attempt to create more balance.

The new BGs are decent. Battle for Gilneas is a mini-AB and is quite well designed. Twin Peaks is exactly like WSG with a different field. Tol Barad (Cata version of Wintergrasp) is badly designed though; I believe that defenders have a huge advantage. But they're also going to change that.

2. Don't know about quests for professions. I just leveled leatherworking and skinning to 525 and didn't bother looking further (yet).

3. Cata dungeons are harder and require more coordination. Normal ones are fine, but HC requires CC (1 or 2 mobs per pull) and a lot of moving (especially with boss fights). But with a good group I find it more enjoyable because it requires a bit more skill and thought. The community is still the same, but I think gradually people are starting to learn to use CC better which is good.

4. Can't say really, not raiding yet.

5. Up to you if you come back. The players who came back in my guild are still there so I guess they like it.

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