Saturday, April 14, 2012

Some questions before i buy the game.

[:1]Hi, i was thinking of getting into WOW mostly to meet new people and be social online. I know wow has a huge community and that is what makes me want to start the most. Saw a few shows like The Guild and some other ones and the social aspect of it seems awesome. right now, i spend alot of my online time playing shooters and there is like no community or friend making in that and its getting boring.

anyways, enough with the biography. I wanted to know, starting off as a newbie, would it be possible to make friends or join guilds. I know its definitely there for people higher level and more experienced but as a new player, will i just get ignored if i tried to talk to people or tried to join a guild and the such? are there low level guilds also? would i have to get to the higher levels before people will actually talk to me and invite me to stuff?

I am completely new to mmorpgs by the way and it seems like alot to take in. Is the learning curve steep or is it easy to get a handle on the game?

last question: starting at such a late stage, could i ever catch up?

any help would be great. Thank you very much|||play for fun - there really is no other reason.

I know of people who have only play chars to lvl 20, deleted them and started another one. This gets repeated and they have fun. It's not my idea of fun, but I'm not paying for their account so what does it matter?

There are fresh people starting every day, so you won't stand out (too much :-))

Probably the best approach (imvho) would be to start a character that seems interesting to you and go through the starting area(s). These are quite good for learning a bit about the way things work and will give you a feel for that char. You could do this for several chars - it won't take long.

Once you have found a char that you like playing, you should have gotten to a main city and from there you can advertise that you're a new player looking for a friendly helpful levelling guild. You shouldn't have to wait very long for an invitation.

If this guild isn't as friendly or helpful as you think they could be, by all means leave and look for a replacement. Sometimes it takes a few tried before finding a guild that suits you.

Have fun !

ps: it's also not too late to catch up|||There are always leveling guilds around looking for members. (In most cases, you don't even have to look for them, they look for you.) The social quality of these guilds varies dramatically, and a lot of them are more interested in the perks having lots of members has than actually building a social structure, but you can get lucky. (Just remember if a guild environment isn't enjoyable to you, there is nothing wrong with leaving an trying a different guild.)

There are also a lot of guilds that advertise in trade chat in major cities. You can look for ones that specifically mention that they welcome all levels and that advertise their primary mission as a social one. These guilds don't care if you are ready for end game or not, they just want other people to chat and hang out with while they play.

You will probably find most people will ignore you if you try to talk to them on a level 1 character, just because people are conditioned to see level 1 character as gold selling bots. Of course, you are only level one for 5-15 minutes, so it's not really an issue.

WoW has a pretty gentle learning curve. You only get a couple of new skills each level, so you get some time to get used to them before something new comes up. You will often find that players can be impatient with newer people, but those are the sort of people it's best to ignore anyhow. There are definitely friendly, helpful people out there. Just don't let the jerks cloud your view.

Catching up isn't a huge problem for WoW. When they introduce new end game content, they make the gear from the previous content a lot easier to get ahold of. That means that once you hit max level, you will have the same amount of work to do to get ready for endgame regardless of when you actually hit that max level. Still, you don't need to rush to endgame (or even ever do endgame stuff.) Take your time and enjoy playing the game. I'd recommend that any brand new player mess around for 4-6 months at least before they started seriously looking at raiding.|||thanks for the advice guys. last questions;

-do i have to buy all the expansions also? or can i do that once i make it further in the game?

would it help (by making leveling easier, finding better items, opening areas where i can level up quicker, etc) if i just bought the game with all the expansions right at the beginning?

can i chat with/do stuff with people that have the expansions if i dont?|||I'd recommend starting with the Battle Chest. (That gives you the original wow and the first expansion.) That gives you access to the vast majority of content to level 70. You will be able to interact with everyone, you will just not have access to some areas (but again, those areas don't really have anything for characters under level 68 anyhow.)

The biggest thing you will be missing to start with is the ability to make a Goblin or Worgen character. If you have your heart set on one of those, you'll need all of the expansions. Otherwise, you can always make one later on after you have all the expansions.

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