Saturday, April 21, 2012

getting exalted with capital cities

i;m working on org atm and i've done all quests in their starting zone, barrens, some in thousand needles, and some in stone mountains but i noticed some quests after barrens didn't give any rep at all or gave rep to thunder bluff so i stopped. i am also doing the argent dailies for the little scroll to raise rep. currently sitting at ~16000 revered anything more i can do? some friend said turn in blood in av but unless its av call to arms weekend the queue for av shows unavailable. thx|||Quote:

i;m working on org atm and i've done all quests in their starting zone, barrens, some in thousand needles, and some in stone mountains but i noticed some quests after barrens didn't give any rep at all or gave rep to thunder bluff so i stopped. i am also doing the argent dailies for the little scroll to raise rep. currently sitting at ~16000 revered anything more i can do? some friend said turn in blood in av but unless its av call to arms weekend the queue for av shows unavailable. thx

Are you at Northrend levels?

If so...the Crusader route is the way to go.

(And it's been awhile, but doesn't the av battlemaster still send you to the bg?)|||thanks for response and yep ive been 80 for awhile. when you say Crusader, are you referring to the argent tournament quests? i did all those champion of undercity/silvermoon/org etc. i'll go check on the av battlemaster but ever since they put in the random bg option nobody queues for specific bgs anymore since you get bonus honor for doing randoms whether you win or lose.|||Once you get to a certain "level" within the argent tournament, (I think it's the champion quests offered directly to you by the Argent Crusade or Knights of the Ebon Blade if you're a DK, the ones that have you killing the elite dragon and cultist bombers, etc.) offer you a reward which you can take to each faction's quartermaster and turn in for rep. I think you get a choice between that or the bag o money. I don't remember the exact name as it's been awhile since I grabbed it. I've been absentmindedly selecting the bag o money for some time now.|||This may be an overly simplistic view, but I'm fairly sure that the quest giver determines the rep that you get. In other words, if a cow gives you the quest, you get TB rep, an orc will give you Org rep etc. I think badlands has quite a few orc quest givers.

I only did the normal cloth handins (not the repeatable version) and quested my way to 80, getting exalted with all 5 factions without needing tournament rep at all. They're out there :-)|||Quote:

Once you get to a certain "level" within the argent tournament, (I think it's the champion quests offered directly to you by the Argent Crusade or Knights of the Ebon Blade if you're a DK, the ones that have you killing the elite dragon and cultist bombers, etc.) offer you a reward which you can take to each faction's quartermaster and turn in for rep. I think you get a choice between that or the bag o money. I don't remember the exact name as it's been awhile since I grabbed it. I've been absentmindedly selecting the bag o money for some time now.

I did exactly this till i had my ambassador title. Since then, i take the extra 40g.|||Or if you're sad like me just do every single quest in every zone.

I'm normally Exalted with Tranquilian? and Revered with all the others main Horde cities before or around level 30 doing this... but very bored :)

But at these low levels getting rep with Silvermoon as a non-BE has always proved the hardest to do.

I normally get either Org or Und first, followed by Thunderbuff and Darkspear trolls and lastly Silvermoon.

For Org just follow the orks; Dustwallow Marsh, Ashenvale, Azshara, Arathi Highlands, Swamp of Sorrows etc... all very easy at lvl 80 :)|||don't forget about the spillover effect. If you walk into an orc camp and there's a troll standing there, do his quest too.|||What I think you mean by "spillover effect" is what I refer to as sympathetic reputation. After you get out of the 1-10 zones (Durotar, Mulgore, Tirisfal, and Eversong Woods), if a quest gives you faction for one city, it will also give you 25% sympathetic reputation for all the other factions. So, for example, a quest that gives you 100 Orgrimmar rep will also give you 25 Thunder Bluff, Darkspear, Undercity, and Silvermoon rep.

Unfortunately this only starts applying in the zones above the 1-10 zones, which is too bad because the newbie zones are pretty big reputation zones. The quests will give you next to nothing useful, but you may get 250-300 rep per quest.

Dungeon quests tend to be big, big reputation -- upwards of 500 sometimes per quest (which still gives a very respectable 125 rep for the other cities). So if you haven't done the baby dungeons like Ragefire Chasm, go back and do them.

Everyquest is a great mod -- will tell you if you've missed quests in certain key areas.


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