Well, I want to try and be the best I can at WoW and I forgot WoW even had Keybind because I was so used to RuneScapes so.. what should I set them to?
I have a standard keyboard and a MX518 mouse (Has back+forward button, as well as DPI adjustments) I use WASD for movement and I don't want to change that so..
I need buttons setup for easy targeting of enemys (For dealing damage) and easy setup for targeting team mates (Healing). I also would like to know if its possible to set my spells to buttons other than 12345678 ECT.
Anyways thanks :P I am just looking for general ideas.|||Quote:
Well, I want to try and be the best I can at WoW and I forgot WoW even had Keybind because I was so used to RuneScapes so.. what should I set them to?
I have a standard keyboard and a MX518 mouse (Has back+forward button, as well as DPI adjustments) I use WASD for movement and I don't want to change that so..
I need buttons setup for easy targeting of enemys (For dealing damage) and easy setup for targeting team mates (Healing). I also would like to know if its possible to set my spells to buttons other than 12345678 ECT.
Anyways thanks :P I am just looking for general ideas.
This is a nice little link from Tankspot regarding keybinds
Keybinds and You|||It's a matter of personal preference, but I'll tell you how I do it.
First - start getting used to moving with the mouse. Saying that you don't want to change this is like saying that you don't want to improve your gameplay. Just start running around Ironforge / Orgrimmar and get used to it. It may be a bit of effort, but it's really worth it.
Next - Get a healing add-on. I use Healbot, which is probably the easiest to set up, but Grid is also a popular one. This allows you to heal team members with a single click.
Now about keybinds. I use the add-on Bartender for this and have 4 rows of 12 just below my character. These rows are identical to my keyboard which makes it easy to find keys.
I still have the keys Q-W-E-A-S-D assigned for movement, because there are many occasions when I do move with the keyboard. For example, when I'm healing I normally move with the keyboard while I click the healbot bars with my mouse.
I use the top row of my keyboard (1-2-3-4-5-6) for my main damage skills. For my Hunter these are the shots I use in my rotation, for my rogue they are my 2 main openers, sinister strike, and 3 finishing moves (including Slice & Dice). for a tank I would place the skills there that generate agro.
Next, I use the keys below and next to the movement keys for my important skills (e.g. crowd control, short-term buffs). These are the keys: R-T-F-G-H-Z-X-C-V-B.
If I need more keys I may use the keys F1-F4. These are normally keys to select group members, but I didn't use these anyway.
I moved all the menus (inventory, character info, spellbook) to the numpad keyboard. And all my long-term buffs and utility skills (e.g. mounting) are on the right side of my keyboard (keys 8-9-0-I-O-P-K-L).
I hope this helps a bit, or at least gets you started.
Edit: Just want to add 3 things:
- To select targets I normally click them with the mouse, or I use TAB to select the nearest target (and again to select the next). This is all I need really. I also have a macro for /maintankassist (on the key above TAB), which I find useful on my hunter (i.e. you attack the same target as the tank, which means you don't get agro even if the tank is bad).
- I avoid using SHIFT, CONTROL and ALT as much as I can. I have one hand constantly on the mouse so if I'd use these modifier keys I'd have to do it with one hand (press Shift and another key). But a lot of other players use shift all the time
- If you have a mouse with 3 buttons, you can assign a skill that you use often to the middle button. I don't because I find it awkward, but I have very big hands. But some players do this.|||It's a matter of personal preference|||is it possible to map your own keys for commands on the game?
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