Monday, April 16, 2012

Noob who needs some answers!

Hi there,

I am on the 10 day trial of WoW, and am kind of enjoying it, although it can be quite boring at times (because of my low level I guess).

But anyway I have some questions about the game that I need answered, here goes:

1. I am in the Thunderhorn realm as a Alliance Dwarf Warrior at Lvl 4, and there are no other players about the place. I have been all around Coldridge Valley, and have just arrived at Kharanos. I really like playing the game, but I would like to see other players too, what should I do? At first I was put on a realm with very few people on, and so decided to change realm to a higher populated one, and now nobody is about! Game data is still being downloaded as I am playing; is this why there is no one about?

2. Also, I have heard about Guilds, and how it can be much more fun to play with them than on your own. I gather that a Guild is a group of players. If so, where and how can I join one, and also is there anyone on the forum that would allow me to join them? Can you do quests with guilds? And why is it more enjoyable?

3. If I were to change realm, how do I keep my character?

4. How do you use voice chat, and listen to it?

5. When I type into the chatbox, it tells me I can't use unlimited tells, and that I must wait, wait until when?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if there are obvious answers to my questions, but I am a big noob! I would like to play this game, I just want to play it properly (most importantly for what it's meant to be, an MMO!)

PP|||1. In general, you will always find other players. Being that you are just level 4 and in the starting area, it's not really a reference. Probably at the time you were playing, you were just unlucky. Personally, I would love being in the starter area with a new character with no other soul around, but that's probably just my anti-social side speaking. It hasn't got anything to do with game data being downloaded, in any case. Try at different times, or wait until you arrive at the next village and are sent to the big city, you won't have any issues with not encountering other people anymore.

2. In a city there is a Guild Recruitment channel where you can ask whether you can join a guild. You don't even have to do that yourself, since you will see numerous guild recruitment messages being broadcasted. There are different kinds of guilds: RP guilds (though they exist usually only on RP servers) who organize certain roleplaying events, social leveling guilds (just a bunch of people leveling their character and doing some quests together or just use their guild channel as a fun chatbox while questing), raiding guilds (guilds who focus on endgame raiding), ... The guild system changed in the new expansion. Performing quests while in a guild gives that guild a small portion of experience as well, so that guild can buy certain perks which benefit every member. The enjoyable part is that you can always find friends to do stuff with in-game. It's not urgent to join a guild, maybe you can wait until you have a full account.

3. You can't. You can make a total of 50 characters with a maximum of 10 characters per server, so it's not really a problem. Well, in the account management settings on, there is an option to transfer your character to another server for a fee, but with a trial account and a level 4 character I really, really wouldn't bother. Sometimes there is a free transfer available if certain servers get too full and a relocation of characters would be beneficial. In that case, there is always a special announcement.

4. I don't know much about that. I don't do raids, so I never really needed it. You can set it up in the sound options for the built-in voice chat feature, but I believe most guilds still use an (allowed) 3d party voice chat program like Ventrilo or Teamspeak. I'm sure others can help you better with this.

5. It's an anti-flood, anti-spam measure. The more lines you type in a certain timespan, the quicker it goes off. I don't know how long the silence time is.|||4. Ventrillo or Teamspeak.

Usually used by guilds for raids and dungeon runs, especially useful in situations where you won't have time to type stuff like "Get out of the bad painful stuff or you'll be dead in 0.345 seconds" or "move quickly to the left off that targeting circle."

5. I think it's around a minute or so. No such limit on guild chat though.|||Thanks for the info guys, I wasn't expecting such thorough and informative answers! Where do you see the announcements for different things though? And also on the topic of question five, I am never allowed to chat in the chat box.

Those 3rd party mods for mic-chatting sound great, how many other helpful legal mods are available for WoW which would be good for me?

Finally, what is endgame raiding?

Thanks in advance again!

PP|||Oh, right, I forgot, on a trial account you can't use public channels. Kind of an anti-spam feature. You also can't whisper people. It's those public channels I was talking about where you see guild recruitment messages, but then mainly in the cities.

About 3d party programs, voice chat programs are the only ones that are allowed. But there is a thing called "add-ons" or "mods". They enhance certain gameplay features. Our own addon site is, but you can definately look up more information on WoW addons on Google.

Raiding is entering an instance with a big group of up to 25 people (used to be 40). An instance, also called a dungeon, is a part of the world which is created uniquely for you and your party, a raid is just a bigger version of that. I called it "endgame" because you can't really participate with raiding until you have reached the appropriate level. You can start early on with normal instances though, in which you learn a lot of the multiplayer mechanics of your class.|||Okay thanks a lot!

So these add-ons are free then?

And I can't join a guild as a trial member?

How do you get to main cities without having to walk all the way?

Can I visit horde cities and be killed without accepting PvP?

How do I send a PvP request?

So these raids are a kindof social hang-out place for guilds? And so the special places, are they designated to guilds, made especially for them and only available to get to by those guild members or what?

Thanks for your support, and sorry for yet another batch of questions!

PP|||Ventrillo and Teamspeak are not mods, they are stand alone voice communication programs nad can be used for WoW or other games.

Legal UI's? Click:

Endame raids are large groups of more than 5 players (10, 25, 40) and are either PvP attacks on opposing faction capitals, PvP battlegrounds or PvE Raid Encounters.

For more look here:

Also suggest this: - there are a bunch of guide links there that are helpful to new players.|||Thanks Gorny!|||On the official WoW website ( or you will also find a lot of information, in the "Game" section. Most of your questions will be answered there.

Think you misunderstood the "created uniquely" part of my explanation. Raids are not a social hangout place, far from it. They are also not only for guilds, anyone can organize a raid. Usually they're based in a guild because it's easier to find people, and also because you usually know how the people in your guild behave and play. Raiding is always more fun with people you know.

You'll get to a main city pretty quickly, think you need to go there for a quest anytime soon and then you'll get a free ride so you don't have to walk. That said, they're not far from your starting location.

PvP is automatically enabled if you enter an enemy faction's city, no matter whether you are on a PvP server or another one. If by PvP request you mean a duel, it's done by right-clicking the other player's portrait and select "duel". A duel is not a real PvP fight, you can duel players of your own faction and you don't really die when you lose. Don't go spamming duel invites to other people as it (rightfully) annoys them.

But as Gorny suggested, newbie guides on the internet are widespread and can provide much more accurate information than we can give you. Not that we are tired of answering your questions, don't worry, but it's easier to discover the answers on your own pace.|||NP..

Note on Raids.

They can be a social thing but you really need to be on your toes, be geared for the raid, be max level (85 currently), know the fight and be in a guild usually.

Raids are not easy fights.

First time you'll need to walk, eventually you will find flight paths and get a mount (in the full version of the game). Also raids are available to everyone who meets the requirements, then you need to be in a raid group and travel to wherever that particular raid instance is (for example if it's ICC you would need to head to the physical location of ICC)

(ICC= Icecrown Citadel, it's the end game raid or our last expansion, located in Northrend, Icrcrown zone)

PvP is complicated, and not like it is in DII (if you played), check here:

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