Hey Guys,
The last time I played WoW months ago I had a blast and decided to end with a high note. With myself (Alliance:Sunclaw:Druid) and a friend (Wych:Warlock) - Thaurissan. we decided to level our characters while doing BG every 10 levels and instance/quest grind the gaps between BG levels.
As you are probably aware, a Druid and Warlock are a smashing team in WSG. Of course, I'd capture the flag, change into kitty form and run like hell. Wych would cast fear and DOT anyone approaching. If worse came to worse, I'd just heal myself & Wych.
Once, we joined a game which was already 10mins past & 2 flags down. We managed to turn it around and capture the flag 3 times in a row. The Horde must have been so frustrated with victory being snatched away so close to their victory.
We became quite good and our win rate was +70%. I was amazed that 2 players working together in that map could have such a dramatic effect. It also took chatting with other players, reinforcing and congratulating those who stayed and defended during the match.
So the question is, what fun have you had with just 1-3 other friends?
Cataclysm is near and I'm looking for an excuse to start again but I only enjoy the game with a friend or two, doing cool stuff (like the above).|||I think you just answered your own question, at least partly. If you enjoy Battlegrounds then doing it with 1-3 friends will be great.
But here are some other ideas:
- Level together. It will be extremely easy, especially if one of you is a tank (melee class with shield) and one heals. But it will be easy whichever classes you choose. I have 3 friends and we often play with our 4 near-identical Gnome Rogues. No healers or tanks, but still great fun.
- Do instances together. Here you do need a tank and a healer, and your other friend(s) can do damage. You use the Dungeon Finder together so you'll be teamed up with 1-2 random other players, but you will still be relying on your friends mostly.
- Play Battlegrounds, as you suggested.
- Form an Arena team (2v2, 3v3 or 5v5) when you reach lv85, and fight other teams.
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