Thursday, April 12, 2012

Horde or Alliance for PVP

[:1]I�ve been doing a lot of random BG's recently and find it kinda frustrating that the Horde (me) can only muster a 50-60% team capacity whereas the Alliance is nearly always full.

Even TB the other night was at 50% and that was early evening; needless to say we lost.

Even when our major cities are attacked, the majority of people stand and watch unless we greatly outnumber them and I mean by a lot.

Are the Alliance more into PVP than Horde players?

I don�t mind losing to a better team, but wasting 10-20 minutes corpse running knowing that you�re never or extremely unlikely to ever win is very annoying�

�I�m even tempted to change sides.|||It depends on the server. I play on Sisters of Elune (RP, US) and its been the opposite of what you describe up till a few months ago, now its pretty even. Some servers have pretty unbalanced populations, or different interests from one side to the other, the economies are very different as well (our horde side used to have tons of blue gear for cheap due to the oversupply and lack of demand, but now its just as outrageous and sparce as the alliance side). Each faction on a server can be very different from one to the other, so I usually run a lvl 1 alt to the main city and give things a quick survey (you could use WoW Census as well).|||Ty Mistro,

According to Wow Census there is a 4:1 ration in favour of the Alliance but then it may be that we're too lazy to help as ..."There are too few Horde entries for this realm to give reliable results".

I'd rather not change servers as this toon has just got exalted with a guild (1st time and 1st guild).

Quite bad yesterday during one BG, Alliance camped at the our single respawn point and killed me every time I rezzed :(

But did get some very good games and wins during 'Eye of the Storm'; after being close to defeat and then ginding our way back to pip them at the post ...even after they held the flag until the last minute!!|||Quote:

But did get some very good games and wins during 'Eye of the Storm'; after being close to defeat and then ginding our way back to pip them at the post ...even after they held the flag until the last minute!!

I realize it's a huge generalization, but it's a well-known clich� that Alliance has numbers and Horde has strategy... :-)

Just an example of something I saw a few days ago, also in EotS. I was defending one of the bases we had (2 vs 2 towers), and from there I witnessed the flag spawn point. First I see a few Horde running in, one of them (I think a tank spec) grabbing the flag while three or four others keep the incoming Alliance at bay, CC'ing them to keep them from interrupting the flag cap. Nice teamwork on their part, and they capped.

Somewhat later, I see 4 Alliance characters arriving at the flag at roughly the same time, and they all start on the flag just to be the first one to grab it. One undead frost mage runs in, frost nova's them all, interrupting them, and blinks away. They all start chasing the mage, who starts to kite them all over the field. While that is happening, one horde shaman runs in, grabs the flag, and runs away with ghost wolf.

One of the many facepalm moments I encounter during Alliance pvp...

That said, there are some good moments too.|||EotS flag is a bad example - it's just noob-bait. If only people would realise that getting towers wins the game and not the flag ....

In this particular case, I blame the achievment for a lot of this - the one for capping the flag 3 times in a single EotS match.

Nevertheless, repeat this mantra to win ...

"the flag is noob-bait"

"the flag is noob-bait"

"the flag is noob-bait"


EotS flag is a bad example - it's just noob-bait. If only people would realise that getting towers wins the game and not the flag ...

Not if you have 2 bases and you're at a stalemate, then the flag decides...

It was in my opinion just a good example of average Alliance stupidity. I say average, because I know it's sometimes reverse as well.|||Thats how we came back from the brink... We wrestled 3 towers away from the Alliance and held them while they continued to fight for the flag... ...mostly.|||I'm pretty sure the issue for both sides when they lose like that, is that they don't really get the point of the battleground/they don't care. The same goes for mid-field WSG, everyone wants the honor and exp for personal kills vs team play.

I tend to get frustrated when I feel its common sense to go for the healer first (using the general idea to go for healers>casters>dps, then tanks), and my team goes for everything but, and then their dps focuses on me because I went for the healer... It doesn't make me want to roll Horde though, don't get me wrong, I like both lore-wise for the most part, but Alliance appeals to me more.

I enjoyed the Olympics PvP event while it was out, it was alot of fun and it was the most tactical usage I've ever seen on my server's Alliance side. People actually complemented each other, rather than tossing insults XD.|||I love it when people know what they're doing and work together as a TEAM.

What I did find slightly annoying was; while solo defending a base I had a long duel with my warlock against a warrior (without me dying in the first few seconds) we were both near death and I needed just a couple more ticks from my dots whilst healing to finish the fight.

Along came a pally from my team who finished off the warrior (which is fair enough)... but then came the 'whisper' from the pally complaining because I never said "thank you"!!

I explained that

1) I can't type and fight at the same time.

2) Although grateful I didn't really need his help.

3) I thought we were a team and working together whilst helping each other was how it was won...

..forthwith I shall start demanding thanks for my dots etc...too :)

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