Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]Okay so I have been playing WOW for about 4 days now, and my only character is a lvl. 20 rogue. Whenever I enter PvP I get destroyed. I can't run and hit at the same time I have to stand still to get a kill. When I leave my AWD hand position I cant get back to it to run and attack at same time. Will keybinds help me move around and attack?

Also please take a look at my armory page

any advice is appreciated, Thanks

Noob|||Try using your mouse to turn and run. Holding both buttons down at the same time will make your character run forward. Combine this movement with hitting your ability keys, or alternatively turn and move using WASD keys and use your mouse to click the icons for your abilities.

Regarding your armoury.. as a rogue u want to have as much agility as possible at your level.. so your items with strength, intellect or spirit are not really helping you at all. try and find other equipment that will increase your damage output, run sum dungeons (using the random dungeon finder or with friends)) for gear or check the auction house.|||I find that when I play as my rogue, I normally spam saps and moves to gain Combo points. I move forwards and around the enemy without turning, to make sure he can't see me to hit me. Try using stealth to get past the toughest enemies, and take out the druids, hunters and other magic classes. Maybe, if you get to level 85 and have the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, use your justice points to have heirlooms on the next toon.

Armoury... You have the idea of having Leather right, but try to use bows instead of guns and crossbows. Maybe fist weapons would be good for a Rogue like you. Since you are a full account, you have access to the Auction house. You will need strong weapons, and the more damage per second, the faster your weapon. This is perfect for Rogues and Hunters. Hope this helps :[D|||Okay thanks guys. And I have tried to get into the dungon finder about 3 times but there is about a 45 minute wait for any DPS character. Also where are auction houses located?|||Aside from what they've said about your armor (what you're looking for is probably anything with agility and stamina) and using a bow (for stealth, due to the loud sounds of guns and crossbows) I'd look into some new weapons.

For a Sub rogue, I'd suggest getting a slow dagger for your main hand (1.6 speed or higher preferably) and a fast speed dagger for the off-hand (1.5 speed or lower preferably). The main reason for this is partly because slow speed weapons have a higher damage, and most hotkey attacks use that so the speed doesn't matter so much. The other reason is because of poisons (and other enchantments). Some rogue poisons have a fixed percent chance to activate (such as deadly poison), so putting them on the fast speed weapons (such as an off-hand dagger) raises the likelyhood of applying the poison, and applying non-fixed percent based poisons (such as instant poison) on the main hand raises the chance of it being applied due to hotkey abilities.

So in short, try to get about a 1.8 speed dagger (or higher) for your main hand, and a 1.4 speed dagger (or lower) for your off-hand. You'll probably want to apply Crippling Poison at any rate, for PvP, if you choose off-hand it'll apply pretty constantly if your enemy isn't kiting you, but if you're after a runner you might want to put it on the main hand since abilities will make it go off constantly pretty much. As another note, caster daggers generally have a lower dps compared to melee daggers, so one with intellect, spirit, etc. probably isn't meant for you, but there are some old-world exceptions.

For gear advice, here is a mock wowhead profile of some of the nicer gear you could have at that level. I took into account that you're new, so I didn't include the expensive/difficult to get stuff (such as having maximum engineering skill).

Also, Auction Houses are in every capital city, if you ask a nearby guard they can mark the spot on your map.

Enjoy! If you need anymore help feel free to ask.|||Okay so I ran a PvP on Warsong with double-clicking the mouse to move and my left hand for the action bar....WOW What a difference. As far as gear goes Im working on that.

Thank you guys so much! The game is way more fun now.|||Quote:

Okay so I ran a PvP on Warsong with double-clicking the mouse to move and my left hand for the action bar....WOW What a difference. As far as gear goes Im working on that.

Thank you guys so much! The game is way more fun now.

Depending on your mouse, you can assign the side buttons to various actions too and I take it you mean pressing both L@R mouse buttons down together to move forwards?

Rogues have always my nemisis I can't play them and unless there's help around my Warlock always dies against them in PVP lol.|||Yes using L@R to move. And Im sure you can play a rogue, locks seem like the hardest class to me.

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