Monday, April 16, 2012

What Alliance race goes with class for PVP?

Hi all,

Well right now all my toons are horde. I been hearing that the que times in bgs are instant for alliance. Plus a few of my friends transfered off my horde server, so I was thinking of moving and trying alliance. Oh I really have fun in bgs and would like to play them and not wait 30 minutes.

Ok enough with the QQ, sorry about that, I was wondering, with alliance toons, what class combos go with races for pvp. Oh it's not really a big deal to me what race I play, just that I have the best abilities that will help.

Thanks for any advice.|||For me even in PvP the racials don't make any difference whatsoever, they are balanced out pretty good. I choose a race in the knowledge that I have to stare at my toon's behind a lot if I'm going to play him/her often. It's more of an aesthetic choice.

And the BG queue times instant? In your battlegroup, then, I trust?|||I don't think BG queues are instant everywhere, for alliance or horde, but yes on my server (EU, Ghostlands) I rarely have to wait more than 5 minutes for a BG to start.

I think which race you pick depends on the class. If you're a healing class then the Draeinei racial (a weak heal-over-time) is pointless. If you're a Rogue then the Shadowmeld ability is pointless (though Nelfs get a dodge bonus).

For an overview: Racial traits

Overall I like the Gnome racial 'Escape Artist' best; it's like an extra PvP trinket (i.e. removes snares/roots, 3-minute cooldown). The Human trait 'Every man for Himself' apparently works the same, but I don't play humans, and it may share a cooldown with your trinket (not sure).|||the only thing shadowmeld might do in pvp is get uncontrolled aggressive pets off of you. The player behind the keyboard will probably see you, or they will know you're there and start throwing out AOE which will bring you out.|||/Agree.

The wise plater isn't fooled by Shadowmeld.

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