Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tips on how to be a better hunter?

Hello everyone,

I started WoW about two months ago, and although I've always played videogames casually, this is my first experience with PC & MMO gaming. I've been very conscious of the fact that I'm a new player, and mixed with my being a bit shy, I played wow the same way I would play a platform RPG- as if I was playing alone. I made a hunter, and went questing happily about azeroth all by my lonesome. Now recently that I've been aiming to get some dungeon & battleground achievments, I've realized that playing with other players is a whoooole different ball game. By myself in PvE, I never had to think much about *how* I was fighting, just the goal of killing whatever NPC. I never paid attention to how quickly/effectively I was dealing damage. The few times I've done randoms, I've been chewed out for not doing enough DPS, not "knowing the fight", called all sorts of names, etc.

Knowing what I know now, I might have made a different class, but I'm commited to this character now, so I'd like to improve my playing. I think I have the potential to be a good player, but no one seems to have the patience to work with "noobs." I've done some google searches, but most the information I found was outdated (and most people hate hunters?).

Are there any experienced hunters out there who can give me tips on how to be an effective DPS for dungeons & raids? (I'm BM/MM spec'd btw) What should I focus on casting? What gear stats should I be aiming for?

Thanks in advance for all helpful comments :)|||That's a very broad question. I would start by directing you to a number of websites that discuss strategy and PvE in detail:

1) BigRedKitty on Youtube

In particular watch the older videos, including:

- BRK Lowbie-Hunter training, part 1

- BRK Lowbie-Hunter training, part 2

Most of the videos won't be relevant, and much of what he shows is old (and no longer relevant). But watch a few anyway; it's enjoyable and shows you how to be a Hunter.


Just start reading. Use the menu (top-right) to look at:

- Talent builds. Unfortunately these pages haven't been updated yet you can find them elsewhere (use Google).

- Tactics. Just read all of it.

- PvE. Just read all of it.

3. Petopia

4. Other sites.

I can't link other sites here (forum rules), but you can find them easily enough with Google, or by asking other WoW players. Try to find Hunter Guides, make sure they are for patch 4.0.1 or later.

Other tips:

- Find a friendly guild. Yes, they exist, and can be very helpful. But read u

- Just enter random dungeons via the dungeon finder. You may get kicked out of the group a few times but after 2-3 times you will understand how things work and will do fine. Just remember: let the tank attack first, and only then start shooting. Keep control of your pet (put him on passive) and whenever you jump down dismiss him for a moment. Don't ask questions, just keep quiet. Read up on the dungeon before you enter so you know (at least a bit) what's coming. Take a 'ferocity' pet for extra damage, and switch off all pet skills that take aggro from the tank (e.g. Growl, Charge).

- Look up your rotation with google ('hunter' 'rotation'), and practice it on the dummies you find in major cities.

- Read what you can find and ask specific questions here (in the Hunter forum).

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