Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Restarting an existing character

I'm not exactly a newcomer to WoW, but still.

Yesterday I just got back on my level 34 hunter and I have no idea how to start leveling him up again, and all of my quests were wiped off of the quest list.

Does anyone know how to go about leveling up my characters again? I also have a level 24 rogue.

(both are alliance)

Any help would be greatly appreciated|||Most quests from Lvl 1-60 have changed, that's why you've lost all of your quests, I'd suggest going to one of the capital cities, also you may find that you'll have lost some flight paths, as new flight paths have been added.|||You might consider just rerolling. The new quests are a ton of fun, many of the quest areas have changed, and the classes have changed pretty dramatically as well. Plus, I got to level 24 in about a day and a half, so it's not like you're losing a lot of time invested.|||dungeon lvl it up!much faster|||Quote:

dungeon lvl it up!much faster

And (this is only my opinion) much, much less entertaining. You're missing 99% of the incredible stories, well crafted questlines, stunning scenary, interesting characters etc.

Might as well get someone else to level up for you.......|||Also, Blizzard has just nerfed 1-60 dungeon experience to slow it down, because people were leveling up so fast that they were skipping a lot of zones. Here's the Blue post:

"We are applying a hotfix today to all level 1-60 dungeon quests for Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms dungeons which will significantly reduce the amount of experience they award.

While dungeons should remain integral to our evolving storylines, and great places to collect gear in cooperative environments, we need to make sure each player�s questing progress remains relevant as dungeon quests are completed. In many cases we�re seeing players enter dungeons to complete quests, only to come out ahead of the leveling curve for the zones they�re in.

This change should allow players the opportunity to reap the benefits of running dungeons, while not outpacing the leveling flow from levels 1-60. At this time there are no plans for making any adjustments to dungeon quest experience for Outland, Northrend, and level 80+ Cataclysm dungeons."

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