Monday, April 16, 2012

Potentially returning

Hello there,

I have basically become quite interested in WoW again since the latest expansion and hearing colleagues rave on about how much better it all is now, I managed to grab myself a trial disc from work and I must say I am very impressed with the more story driven introductions to the races and the world.

I havent played since vanilla WoW and stopped playing maybe 3/4 months after its release.

I have a few questions that I hope you guys and girls can answer,

1. Is the remainder of the game as story driven as the new introductions?

2. Would I still be able enjoy content from the original game and older expansions? Or is it all now pretty much dead?

3. What exactly has changed? I havent played since vanilla and havent really kept up to date with all the goings on.

4. I played samurai in FFXI which class would now from all the updates now best fit this sort of role?

I think four is more than enough I could keep asking questions all night long but will stop there for the time being.

Many thanks,

Aedax|||1. Even more so i think.. there's a lot going on and a few surprises you don't expect.\

2. It depends on what specific content. Some things have been totally removed while other things aren't done as much anymore because there's new, like old world endgame raids from classic or the previous expansions. Alot of the CATA quests have replaced quests in the old it's a different levelling experience now.

3. That's a big iceberg.. Best thing to do is hit one of the wiki sites and do some reading. There are physical changes in the world, revamped storylines, and more.

Good place to start is here:

4. Um...? Never played FFXI.|||Thanks for the reply its good to hear that its much more story driven shame they didnt do that from the start.

My biggest concern is the content while there is undoubtedly much to do I wouldnt want to for example purchase TBC or WotLK and then not experience any of the content because the playerbase is done with it.

Is there anywhere on the net that lists the big changes/patches? Probably wasnt the best question to ask apologies.

I would probably also only be interested in playing as worgen, goblin or blood elf but how exactly do the worgen fit into the alliance? It seems very odd to me.|||From the perspective of questing:

They just redid all of the "old world" Vanilla quests. So, leveling from 1-60 should have a lot of nice story for you.

The Burning Crusade Expansion is a bit thinner quest wise, but it still much better than what the classic quests used to be.

The Wrath of the Lich King expansion was another improvement in quest and storyline quality. I would say this is where Blizzard really started getting good with storytelling through questing. The addition of phasing technology helped this, since you can now actually sometimes see the world change based on your actions.

The LFD tool makes it pretty easy to find groups for 5 man dungeons as you level. It works cross-sever, so there is a pretty good amount of people to draw from, so as long as you don't level to high for a dungeon, you should be able to get a group for them. The big exceptions would be the Old Hillsbrad and Opening the Dark Portal dungeons (around level 66-70). These require quests to unlock them, and most people don't bother to do that these days, so getting a group is very hard.

As for raids, they are mostly dead. You can occasional find groups for them, but these groups usually are made up of high level characters blasting through everything. However, if you just want to see them, it's not to hard to get a group going from trade on the weekends. (Most stuff can be cleared by only a handful of max level characters.) It might be a bit harder for the next little bit though, just because everyone is busy doing the new stuff that just came out.

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