Wednesday, April 18, 2012

new.. question about guilds

hi! I just started two weeks ago, im a level 48 draenei warrior.. wondering how to go about finding a guild in magtheridon?|||Go into a major city (Exodar, Stormwind, etc.) and ask for a guild invite on the trade channel (type '/2').

Best is probably to look for a 'leveling guild', preferably one that is welcoming to new players and has a couple of players around your level.

If you don't like the people in the guild, don't hesitate to leave. Your guild members are the ones you will be playing in a lot so if one or more of the key members are unfriendly then you should find another.|||thanks :)|||My advice would be to try the server forum on the official Blizzard forums. Most decent guilds will advertise there, or you could make a post stating what your looking for in a guild and see if anyone can help.|||Quote:

Go into a major city (Exodar, Stormwind, etc.) and ask for a guild invite on the trade channel (type '/2').

I wouldn't recommend that, actually. All you are likely to do is attract trade trolls. If you want to use an in game channel, use the guild recruitment channel. (I can't remember which number it defaults to, but you should see the number when you enter a city.)

Using the Guild Recruitment channel instead of trade gets you two advantages.

(1) It lets prospective guilds know you are smart enough to use the correct channel.

(2) It lets you avoid the guilds run by people too dumb to figure how to get into the Guild Recruitment channel. (You don't get put into the channel by default if you are in a guild already, you have to join it.)

Still, Dave's advice is probably better. Spend a day or two reading your server's forum. That will give you an idea of who the trolls are, what different guilds are about, and give you a good place to start.

The US Magtheradon forums can be found here:

(If you play the EU version, they have their own set of forums. Also be a aware that Blizzard is migrating forums to a new system, so those forums will be moving in the next few days. They don't have the realm forums set up in the new community site yet, though.)|||All very good advice. Thank you :)

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