Monday, April 16, 2012

Newcomer coming back

Hey, first post here, I've got a question for you experienced players.

I'm looking for insight on what the classes play like, what they are capable of beyond their skillset, what aspects of the game they're strong/weak boring/interesting in. Does anyone know where to find information like this?

The information I've found so far really doesn't help much with this.

More specifically I want a class that requires thought over button-mashing. I don't care which role I end up being, my main concern is that I want to be thinking about what I'm doing and possibly even have room for creativity during fights. Nothing bores me more than pressing the same few buttons over and over. I want to react and be able to change my strategy if necessary. So can anyone suggest which classes might be for me and which ones I should stay away from?

Note: I have read each class description and have a rough idea of their abilities. I'm strictly asking about the gameplay and general feel of the class.|||Well, you're in The Newcomer Forum already and that's a good start.

If I were the information you seek, I would likley be in the stickies.|||Quote:

Well, you're in The Newcomer Forum already and that's a good start.

If I were the information you seek, I would likley be in the stickies.

If you're referring to the "Which class should I be?" thread I have read it.

As I said I'm specifically asking about the gameplay experience and not about what the class is capable of if that makes any sense to you.

edit: I now see I've actually explained this slightly differently in the OP. Well now you know what I actually meant to say.|||To each their own.

Cataclysm just went live not long ago, the way all of the classes play has changed from what it used to be pre-CATA. I could say play a Rogue but I'm biased there.

Only real way is to try each yourself.

A better way for you to go about this is to first decide what role you want to play and what kind of atmosphere you want to play in?

Do you want to play on a PvE server? PvP?

Do you want to be the tank?

The damage dealer?


Support type?

Do you want to be more on the front lines in a fight or more to the back of the party?

What faction do you prefer?

Do you have friends that play?

Alot of the classes have multiple strongpoints and weak points, it's not a clear cut answer.|||Quote:

To each their own.

Cataclysm just went live not long ago, the way all of the classes play has changed from what it used to be pre-CATA. I could say play a Rogue but I'm biased there.

Only real way is to try each yourself.

A better way for you to go about this is to first decide what role you want to play and what kind of atmosphere you want to play in?

Do you want to play on a PvE server? PvP?

Do you want to be the tank?

The damage dealer?


Support type?

Do you want to be more on the front lines in a fight or more to the back of the party?

What faction do you prefer?

Do you have friends that play?

Alot of the classes have multiple strongpoints and weak points, it's not a clear cut answer.

I love PvP, I should probably have mentioned that.

About your other questions: I really don't care which role I end up being as long as it's entertaining to play. My biggest woe would be using the same few skills over and over, I also don't want mindless skills that are best used as soon as they're off cooldown.

I like some races from both factions so that's going to come down to aesthetics.

So far no friends playing but I'm working on that.|||The problem is that what's entertaining for me might not be entertaining for you. You love PvP; I hate PvP. I love melee classes; I know many people who hate melee characters and prefer ranged DPS. Some people love to heal, others hate it. Ditto for tanking.

Honestly, you have 10 slots per account -- give a bunch of classes a try and see what appeals to you and grabs your attention. Play a character til at least level 20 and you'll get an idea of what it's like.|||I plan to do exactly that, but before I spend the time to level all classes to lvl 20 I'd like to narrow it down to a few.

Coming from EQ2 I may have false expectations. A few of the classes can end up being rather tedious to play (Some DPS classes doing the same casting cycles over and over, some healers spamming heals on cooldown, some tanks holding aggro just fine with their auto attacks etc.).

So I want to avoid classes like these (if they exist in WoW) at all costs.

I should also add that I've already played a Rogue and a Mage to around lvl 20. The rogue was fun to play but the mage was exactly like what I've been describing as I was constantly spamming Arcane Missiles and not doing much else (I think in groups I actually used Blizzard or something instead). Though maybe I've just been using him wrong.|||Quote:

If you're referring to the "Which class should I be?" thread I have read it.

As I said I'm specifically asking about the gameplay experience and not about what the class is capable of if that makes any sense to you.

edit: I now see I've actually explained this slightly differently in the OP. Well now you know what I actually meant to say.

I know what you mean, certainly now you elaborated a bit further, but Renata is still right. There is no way for us to know what you would like. That is exactly the reason why the sticky thread doesn't provide real information about gameplay experiences, since that differs from player to player. And strongly at that. The sticky thread is however a good rundown of what each class is capable of (it might need an update, I haven't checked it lately), and that might help deciding what you would like.

There are in fact 50 slots per account instead of 10, 10 is just per server, so you wouldn't be wasting a character slot quickly. And time? Bah, don't rush things in this game, certainly not when you are new. If you thought a Rogue was fun, what's stopping you from trying to play one further?|||Quote:

Coming from EQ2 I may have false expectations. A few of the classes can end up being rather tedious to play (Some DPS classes doing the same casting cycles over and over, some healers spamming heals on cooldown, some tanks holding aggro just fine with their auto attacks etc.).

I should also add that I've already played a Rogue and a Mage to around lvl 20. The rogue was fun to play but the mage was exactly like what I've been describing as I was constantly spamming Arcane Missiles and not doing much else (I think in groups I actually used Blizzard or something instead). Though maybe I've just been using him wrong.

With cataclysm, Blizzard came away from cicles and implemented a priority list system. You have maybe 5 abilities that you watch constantly and use when they are off cooldown or when they procc.

As a healer you WILL spam heals on cooldown, or your party dies. The PvE content is pretty challenging at the moment. Tanks have to work hard for agro too, auto atack will get you nowhere.

Mages depend alot on the spec and on the level you have. Most classes are not to diverse in the early levels. This has actualy improved with cata, it was even worse before. My main char is a mage, and the gameplay change from 80 ( where you pretty much spammed one button and watched for arcane missiles proc ) to 85 ( where you juggle several DoT's on several mobs and keep a eye on the CD of 3 other abilities ) was immense. Almost like playing a new class.

All that said, I still cannot help you :) Best bet is to try a few classes. Go with your gut feeling and the information in the

"what class to play" sticky. Tell us how it went :)|||Well first of all thank you for all the replies.

I'm going with a rogue right now, classes I plan on trying are Warlocks, Priests and Shamans. The mage change sounds nice too, I might consider trying one again.

I presume PvP combat is more diverse than group/raid encounters anyways.

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