Wednesday, April 18, 2012

wow slow down internet

hey all

i want to ask something... does wow slow down internet?

because i live with a familly now... and we are using the same internet... i have my own little (router ) i think you call it like this.... but this is connected to their internet.... she said it has a limit like u can download 100g max or something per month...soo at night i was downloading movies and stuff... and in daytime i was playing wow.... and now she is like omg my internet is soo slow now! it must be your wow!! is it true?? i have to stop playing now??|||Yes it's very likely that when you play WoW or download something big that the internet slows down for other users.

How you fix this is between you and your landlady. Perhaps you can suggest to share the cost for a faster connection or something.|||I would suggest that WoW is not causing the internet speed to suffer, but more downloading movies. Also, the connection speed is determined by the slowest point in the chain and the chains can get quite long.

Just out of interest, what is the bandwidth that you have now?|||Anytime you download big files, you will likely see a slowdown of your internet. For WoW, this only applies to downloading new patches. Just playing the game doesn't use enough bandwidth to have an affect unless you are on a really crummy internet connection.

If you are seeing issues now, it probably means that patch data is being downloaded in the background while you play. It will go back to normal once everything is downloaded. If you are using to much bandwidth per month, you might just have to cut down on the movie downloads when major content patches come through on WoW. (Most content patches will be smaller than a single HD movie download, FYI.)|||so if i just play wow and only download the patches 1x per week...

and dont download antthing like movies.... it wont slow down her internet??|||Quote:

so if i just play wow and only download the patches 1x per week...

and dont download antthing like movies.... it wont slow down her internet??

In most cases, you won't be downloading patches once a week. There have just been a lot of downloads due to the upcoming expansion.

The best thing to do is not do the downloads during peak times. How much you download won't affect your speed, when you download it will.

A bandwidth cap is different than the speed. It's an amount of stuff you can download/upload before they start charging you extra. A lot of US internet providers don't have a cap, but if you use a cell phone modem or are in another part of the world, there may be a cap.

Another thing you can do is go into the WoW Launcher and go into the Options for the downloader. Turn off Peer-to-peer sharing, as that can increase your bandwith usage.|||i would say the downloads are hurting your bandwidth, but playing wow on a crappy dsl connection (less then a meg) would def cause things to slow down. Working in the industry, it is remarkable what is considered competitive in America in the year 2010.

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