Thursday, April 12, 2012

Which class should I be? - READ if you are asking that!

[:1]Alright, lets get this one out of the way right now.

First off, let me and all the other forumites explain a little something about choosing classes. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever about which class you will enjoy. Neither does anybody else on these forums. Above all else, above race/faction/sex/looks, class is the thing that will be the most influential part of the game for you. Nobody is going to invite you to a raid if you are a gnome, tauren, etc. Nobody is going to decline you a raid spot if you have green hair and blue eyes. What they ARE going to care about is if you are a priest, mage, rogue, warrior, etc. and what spec you are. So then, lets go through these in a simple attempt to get the newcomers familiar with all the classes.

And note, not ALL these links are for post 2.0. If you are looking for a definitive GUIDE, please use these links only as a reference. Some ARE outdated, but for the getting an idea of the classes to assist you in making your choice, these are more than enough to understand the classes.


Druids are a versatile class. They can take on three different aspects which help them overcome many obstacles. In cat form, they take on a rogue-like aspect. They can stealth, dash (sprint), and pounce (stun). In Bear form, they take on the aspect of a warrior, with threat gaining abilities, massive armor, stuns, etc. As a resto druid, you are a healer. Heals over time, large heals, combinations of the two, etc.

They can also buff and debuff groups. And can rez players that die.

For the Druid forums, go here:

Druid Forum

Guides can be found stickied at the top, but here are some of them.

Build Thread

Usefull Druid Links

BC Information

Druid Feral and/or Balance Leveling Guide

Druid Talent Guide


Hunters are often described as the best solo leveler in the game. You obtain the ability to tame almost any beast in the game at level 10. As a hunter, your primary attack will be ranged using bows or guns. You will be able to lay traps that will slow/freeze/burn incoming mob(s). You will also be able to feign death getting you out of combat if things get rough or you need to take a break to eat or drink or even lay another trap. You also have the ability to track different mobs. One key thing hunters utilize is the "kiting" method. The kiting method basically involves running away from a target but continuously hitting (and slowing) it until it gets low on health.

Hunter links:

Hunter Forums

Hunter Mods and Macros

Hunter PVP Guide

Hunter Talent Guide


Mages are excellent DPS'ers. Depending on spec, they also have a high survivability. Mages generally spec into Frost or Fire to level. Each one has its own perks. As a mage, your primary attack will be from range. With the only armor available being cloth, your armor is going to be weak, which means you will not live for long if you get in melee range of mobs. At level 20 you will be able to teleport to your factions major cities and at level 40 you can teleport others with you. You can make your own water(mana regen) and food(health regen) as well as pass it out to your friends. Mages can sheep mobs, taking the mob effectively out of combat for a short amount of time. They can also AoE, a spell that causes damage to closely packed mobs.

Mage Links:

Mage Forums

World's BEST Mage Guide (Not really....but it was written by me and Skygoneblue...)

AoE Information

Mage Macros


First off....let me make something LOUD AND CLEAR. It is roGUe not roUGe.

If you like sneaking around, getting in close to players, and unleashing all sorts of crazy damage, the rogue class might be for you. Rogues can stealth which *basically* makes them invisible to mobs near your level range. They can open up fights doing a huge amount of damage, and have the ability to keep a player from doing a single thing for an entire fight (called Stunlocking). Rogues are an in-the-face DPS class. At level 22 you will be able to Vanish out of combat, making you invisible again. Rogues can also make and utilize poisons, that do damage, slow, etc other mobs and players. They can also pick locks and doors.

Rogue Links:

Rogue Forums

Lock Picking Guide

Osiris' Rogue Guides

Osiris' BC Rogue Guide

Another Rogue Guide


I will be the first to admit I don't really know that much about this class. BUT...A paladin can do a multitude of things. It has the ability to give amazing short term buffs, it has the ability to shield itself long enough to heal, finish of a mob (or hearth out...), and it can do some pretty decent DPS and healing if specc'd for it. They also get "free" mounts....although there is a quest for them. Most players call pallys the "unkillable" class. This is of course not true....but they do have an uncanny ability to make battle last much longer than they should.

Paladin Links

Paladin Forums

Paladin Guide

Another Paladin Guide

Priest Guide

Are you the generous kind of person that enjoys being the real gusto behind the raids? Are you the kind of person that loves to completley and utterly destroy things? Well, make your choice, and then choose priest. Priests can either be the best healers in the game, or be one of the most terrifying class you can face. As a healer, you will be the "behind the scenes" guy. You won't be up there at the front lines dealing out damage, but the guys that are know exactly who to thank and love. If you were not there, they would be dead. Or do you like melting faces with powerful spells and DoTs (damage over times)? Priests are one of the most feared classes in PVP. Priests can also buff groups with amazing stamina (life) and Spirit(regen) buffs.

Priest Links

Priest Forum

Priest Grinding Guide"

Priest Leveling Guide

PVE Guide

Priest Information and FAQs


Shamans are an amazing class. Similar to the druid, they can fit many shoes. As a restoration specd Shaman you will be an excellent healer. You can also be a great DPSer. Shamans don't really have a definitive "distance" for attacking. Depending on your spec, DPS shamans can either be at range or up close. They do extremely well at both. Shamans buff the group by laying totems. These totems have a decent range, but as they are immobile, if the group moves away from the totem, they lose the buff. At level 20 they gain a travel form.

Shaman Links

Shaman Forum

Shaman Talent Guide

Enhancement Gear


This is once again a class I don't know all that much about. This class does have some amazing DoTs and can keep you feared for an entire fight (feared means you can't do anything but run around out of your control). Similar to hunters, they have "pets" called minions. These summon-able minions come with different attributes and abilities, and depending on what you are fighting you will be switching them out. This class is defined as one of the (if not THE) best PVP 1v1 class available. Warlocks also have the ability to summon players to them (with two other players assisting the lock) and can hand out items to resurect a player or heal the player.

Warlock Links:

Warlock Forum

kcma's Leveling Guide

Raiding Guide

Warlock FAQs


The #1 tank in the game, this class can deal out amazing damage and take many many hits. With a high armor rating, these are the players that rush straight into the middle of the fight and expect to live. Whether specd protection for taking the hits, or specd fury for giving these hits, this class is a moving powerhouse. If you enjoy being in somebodies face and letting them know that you are there, this might be the class for you. They do lack ranged attacks (besides a bow/gun/thrown) but they make up for it with making sure they have the armor to get in close. They also have an amzing ability to draw aggro, which is why they make the best tanks.

Warrior Links

Warrior Forum

Build Guide

Tank Guide

Another Look

This link is a guide by one of the moderators on this awesome forum. His guide goes into much more information regarding the game, but he does have a little more enthusiastic approach to describing the classes.

Aerath's Guide

And thats it. Take a look through all those links, hopefully something in there will spark your interest and you will say "Wow, I want to try that!" If this is your very first character, don't be afraid to screw up or even make a new character. Nobody is perfect, but more importantly, nobody is YOU. Make the choice yourself.....or talk to your friends about it. With 7+ Million players, you can guarantee somebody you know is playing this game!|||my $5 says this will unfortunately prolly not diminish the number of what class/race should i be threads...

and you forgot to address the age old and most frequently asked question.

q: what's the best class/race/spec/gear/faction for _____?

a: the best class/race/spec/gear/faction for _____ is the class/race/spec/gear/faction that you suck the least with <3|||Suggest going through and replacing AoE, DPS etc with "area-damage", "damage" etc as too many acronyms will just make it difficult for beginners.

Great start, though! :-)|||Quote:

Suggest going through and replacing AoE, DPS etc with "area-damage", "damage" etc as too many acronyms will just make it difficult for beginners.

Great start, though! :-)

Agreed. But dont replace them, just explain them.|||Quote:

Suggest going through and replacing AoE, DPS etc with "area-damage", "damage" etc as too many acronyms will just make it difficult for beginners.

Great start, though! :-)

Good call......wrote it late at night. Anyways, you covered the two that I didn't really explain that you probably couldn't find in the manual.

Buff - a beneficial spell used on a player that lasts a short while. For example, a priest can cast a spell that raises the health of a player for 30 minutes.

Debuff - a non-beneficial spell used on a player that lasts a short while. For example, some animals will "Sunder Armor" you, effectively lowering your armor by a great amount. This causes you to get hit harder.|||good on ya stigg! GREAT post, wish something was around like this when i first started playing. The provided manual helped a little. Keep up the good work.|||There's stuff that's out of date or inaccurate there. A good example is the hunter section, you no longer need to be out of combat to lay traps, so the comments on feign death are inaccurate.. See also the bit about warlocks- they don't hand out soulstones- they cast one on a player. If you cause locks to be bugged to hand these out, they may come and give you demon cooties :)

Good start though!

-- The phantom nitpicker.|||Quote:

The phantom nitpicker.

You can say that again. :)

Once again, as moopy has pointed out...this is just a relative guide to see if you would be interested in playing the classes. Does somebody that hasn't played WoW once really care if the ss is cast or given to a player? I doubt it.

-- The tired one.|||unfortunately i dont believe newbies are reading these... theyr'e busy posting what class should i be in other forums...

- the pessimistic one :p|||I'm reading it, and glad that it was here to check out. Thanks for the info.

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