Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]We seem to get a lot of the same questions sometimes so here's an FAQ, there's a decent chance that the question you're asking is somewhere in here:

Q: What class should I be?

A: There's a very nice stickied topic on this. Take the time to read it.

Q: Why can't I select a Blood Elf or Draenei race?

A: You need the Burning Crusade expansion pack installed in order to play as either a Blood Elf or a Draenei.

Q: I just got WoW, should I get the X-Pack as well?

A: Only if you want to play as a Draenei or a Blood Elf, or you want the new Proffession, Jewelcrafting should you get the X-Pack off the bat. Otherwise, wait until you are about to hit 60 and going to be hitting Outlands.

Q: What are mounts, and when do they become available?

A: has everything you ever wanted to know about Mounts.

Q: What are pets?

A: There are several types of "pets" in the game. The typical pets that most people think of are either a Hunter's Tamed pet (Recived through a quest at level 10) or a Warlock's summoned minion (several types, obtained at varying levels through quests). There are also mini-pets which are found off of certain monsters, or bought from various vendors throughout the game.

Mages, Priests, Shamans and Druids also have a type of pet, but is only temperary, and Druids and Mages must get their's through Talents.

Q: What does -blank- stand for?

A: We have a very nice stickied thread on most of the acronyms in WoW, chances are what you're looking for is somewhere in that thread.

Q: How do I get to the Alliance cities on the other continent?

A: From Stormwind to Darnassus:

1. Go to Stormwind.

2. Go to Stormwind Harbor, ask a guard for directions.

3. Go to the southernmost dock.

4. Get on the boat that will dock at the aforementioned dock.

5. Ride the boat to Auberdine.

6. Head straight off the boat to the edge of the next dock. Do not turn left or right. Go straight.

7. Get on that boat. That boat will take you to Rut'theran village.

8. Look for the glowing purple tree. That tree will take you to Darnassus.

From Stormwind to The Exodar:

6b: When you can turn left or right on the dock, turn left. That boat will take you to Exodar.

From Ironforge:

1. Go to Ironforge.

2. Find the Deep Run Tram.

3. Get on the Deep Run Tram.

4. Start from step 2 from Stormwind.

To get from Exodar or Darnassus, simply reverse the above directions!

Q: What are Talents?

A: Talents are points that you start getting at level 10, and get 1 per level up to 80. Depending on where you put these, can determine what type of role you will take depending on some classes. For example, a Warrior who takes Protection tree will be a Tank, while a Warrior who takes Fury will do melee DPS. Some classes are always the same, no matter what spec you take, Example: Rogues are always Melee DPS, but talents will alter the play style a little bit. Subtletry rogues will be useful for Crowd Control.

Q: Can I learn other race's languages?

A: No.

Q: But on my skills page it has "Languages" and there are Two Languages (one if you're Orc or Human) that say 300/300, as if I learned them.

A: No. You can't learn other race's languages. Back in the olden days of the Beta, it was Blizzard's eventual hope to implement a system to learn other languages. Such idea has thus been scrapped.

Q: What do the different color names of players mean?

A: Depends on the faction of the player and their /pvp status. Here's a run down:

Blue: No PvP flagged period.

Light Blue: No PvP flagged, person is in your group.

Green: Same faction as you, PvP flagged.

Light Green: Same faction as you, PvP flagged, person is in your group.

Yellow: Person is PvP flagged, from the other faction, and you are NOT PvP flagged.

Red: Person is PvP flagged, from the other faction, and you ARE PvP flagged.

Q: What are instances?

A: Instances are dungeons that usually require a group (5 or 10 depending on the particular instance) to accomplish whatever tasks are in the instance. Instances are your own private dungeons that no one else but you and your group can interfere in.

Q: What are Raids?

A: A "raid" is short for a Raid Instance which is like the instance described in the previous question with a couple of differences: Raid Instances are ALL high end dungeons, and require either 20, 25 or 40 people, and a lot of teamwork to accomplish. These always have very nice rewards and loot that come out of them.

Q: What are Battlegrounds?

A: Battlegrounds, or BGs for short, are PvP instances, that are broken down by your level. There are currently 5 Battlegrounds in existance: Warsong Gulch (WSG), which is a capture the flag style battleground, Arathi Basin (AB), which is a base holding type battleground, Alterac Valley (AV), which is a kill a particular Mob (the Enemy General), Eye of the Storm (EotS, Requires Burning Crusade) which is a combination of AB and WSG, and Strand of the Ancients (SotA, Requires Wrath of the Lich King), an invasion style battleground, one side defends, the other attacks then they switch. The levels are broken down as follows:

WSG: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80.

AB: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80.

AV: 51-60, 61-70, and 71-80.

EotS: 61-69, 70-80.

SotA: 71-79, 80.

If anybody else has any Questions we seem to get a lot of, then feel free to add them, and if Mods could sticky this, that would be great.|||From where do you get into each of the BGs?|||A: You can find Battlemasters in each of the major cities, Shattarath included.|||To add to that, you can also enter at the 'physical' entrance.

WSG is in Ashenvale (A) / The Barrens (H)

AB is in Arathi Highlands

AV is in Alterac Mountains

I think the Eye of the Storm does not have a physical entrance.|||Quote:

To add to that, you can also enter at the 'physical' entrance.

WSG is in Ashenvale (A) / The Barrens (H)

AB is in Arathi Highlands

AV is in Alterac Mountains

I think the Eye of the Storm does not have a physical entrance.

Correct. It does not. Only the Battlemasters in the cities can send you to EotS.|||A couple more helpful questions:

Q: Why are the servers down? I wanna play WoW!!

A: If you play on U.S servers, then it's probably Tuesday. Almost every Tuesday ALL the U.S servers go down for maintainance. Although recently Blizzard has been attempting to just to restarts, so it's not all the time. However, if there is a patch, be it a mini-patch or a content patch, then you can be assured that the servers will be going down, and chances are for a longer period of time.

If you play on EU servers, then it's probably Wendsday. Just like the U.S servers, EU servers are brought down for maintainance on Wendsdays instead of Tuesdays.

Q: What are "addons"?

A: Addons are downloads that when applied to the game, offer a little perk that is helpful. For example, as a Shaman, I have an addon called "TotemTracker" this adds a little box to the game that I can move about at leisure and tells me what particular totem of each element I have out, and how much time is left before it goes poof.

At this site, we have a section of the site dedicated to addons. About 99% of all the addons that are on this site are safe, and 0% of the addons are bots or hacks. To be on the safe side with any addon, here are a few tips:

-If it allows for your character to operate without you around (IE: killing mobs automatically), then it is a bot and is a bannable offense.

-If it allows: Ungodly speed, instant teleportation back to your corpse, climbing mountains and normally unpassable terrain, or anything else that seems shady, then it is a hack, and is a bannable offense. General rule of thumb: If it looks like it's ungodly awsome and REALLY helpful, then chances are it could be a hack and is a bannable offense by Blizzard.

If you are unsure, you might want to check here if it's a legit addon or not, most people here will be able to tell you what it is or not.

FYI: Rather then posting a link (if you do, the mods will get angry, they will vomit on your epic Tier 5 boots, and they will feed the topic to Fluffy), just post a description, asking if it's ok or not, and DO NOT give the name.

-Scan any addons you download with an Anti-Virus software. If you search around, there are topics on this, and some people recomend good, free anti-virus software.|||Can someone tell me where my authentication code is located in my Burning Crusades's package?|||Should be hidden beneath the CD.|||it's Loch Modan, not Loch Modon.

Don't want to nitpick but I know that such things can be confusing.

A guildie of mine had been looking for "Terramoor" once for the FA quest.

He picked it up from thotbot I think. Strange because the FA trainers all point you to "theramore"

H.|||umm this is probably the most new ppl question ever but ummmmmmm im new how can i play the game like i cant figure out wher ei go to play the game :(

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