Friday, March 30, 2012

Acronym List

[:1]If you are in a major city for any period of time, you are likely to see "WTS" and "WTB". You may also see "I want to group for questing in STV" or even " LFG 2M DM PST for Info!"

As you progress through the game you will easily know and remember all of these without needing to look over anything. But, for the time being, here is a comprehensive acronym list. Not all of these are used across every server, so be careful! And this is not a list of "Leet Speak" nor of "textspeak."

� Add: Will usually refer to any additional monsters that have started fighting your group after you are already engaged in combat. For example, if you are fighting a bear and half way through the battle a wolf comes along and begins attacking you, this would be considered an "add".

� AFK: Is short for "Away From Keyboard". You can active the AFK flag on your character by typing /afk in the chat line. It also automatically activates if your character is idle for an extended period of time

� Aggro: This refers to aggressive actions against a player. If a monster turns and attacks you, you have gained aggro.

� AH: Is short for "Auction House". This is where you can sell and buy items from other players of your same faction (and opposite factions at Gadgetzan).

� AOE: Is short for "Area of Effect". This is when a spell can affect all targets in an area instead of being directed at a single target. Blizzard, Frost Nova, and Hellfire are all examples of AOE spells.

� BB: Is short for "Booty Bay".

� BFD: Is short for "Blackfathom Deeps".

� BOE: Is short for "Bind On Equip". This means that when you equip the item, it will no longer be tradable to another player and can only be sold to a vedor.

� BOP: Is short for "Bind On Pickup". This means that when you loot the item from the monster, it will no longer be tradable to another player and can only be sold to a vedor.

� BRD: Is short for "Blackrock Depths".

� BRS: Is short for "Blackrock Spire".

� Buff: A spell cast on a player, pet, or mob which enhances a specific statistic for a set time period. Spells such as "Mark of the Wild" and "Power Word: Fortitude" are examples of buffs.

� De-Buff: A spell cast on a player, pet, or mob which places a negative effect on a specific statistic for a set time period. Spells such as "Demoralizing Shout" and "Curse of Weakness" are examples of de-buffs.

� DOT: Is short for "Damage Over Time". This refers to a spell or effect that slowly deals damage over an extended period of time, rather than all at once.

� DM: Is short for "Dire Maul".

� DPS: Is short for �Damage Per Second� and refers to the amount of damage a player can do in 1 second.

� DS: Is short for "Darkshore" and or "Darkshire".

� GG: Is short for both "Good Game" and "Good Going" depending on the context in which it is used. If you happen to save a party member, someone might say "GG" meaning good going. If you beat some one in a duel, the other person might say "GG" meaning good game.

� GZ: Is short for "Gadgetzan".

� HOT: Is short for "Heal Over Time". This refers to a spell or effect that slowly heals damage over an extended period of time, rather than all at once.

� IF: Is short for "Ironforge".

� KS: Is short for "Kill Stealing". This occurs in games when another player or group attacks a mob that you are already fighting in order to get the experience or items from it.

� LBRS: Is short for "Lower Blackrock Spire".

� LFG: Is short for "Looking For Group".

� LFM: Is short for "Looking For More".

� LS: Is short for "Lakeshire".

� Mara: Is short for "Maraudon".

� MC: Is short for "Molten Core".

� MH: Is short for "Menethil Harbor".

� MMORPG: Stands for "Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game". In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. This creates an incredibly rich and active environment in which interesting things are constantly taking place. MMORPGs provide thousands of hours of game play, with a nearly infinite variety of goals to achieve across a vast world covering miles of land and sea. For the World of Warcraft, we will also be adding new content on a regular basis, thus ensuring that there will always be new adventures, new locations, new creatures, and new items to discover.

� Mob: Is short for "Monster" and is a word used to describe creatures that you kill in the game aside from other players.

� NPC: Is short for "Non-Player Character". These are computer-controlled characters. Quest givers, merchants, inn keepers, etc.

� OMW: Is short for �On my way�.

� Ony: Short for �Onyxia�.

� OOM: is short for �Out of Mana�

� ORG: Is short for "Orgrimmar".

� Proc: A term used to denote when a special effect of an item randomly triggers or what the special effect of said item does. Proc only refers to a randomly triggered effect that arises from attacking or being hit. If your item has an ability to click it to make it cast a spell 100% on demand, that is not considered a Proc.

� PST: Is short for �Please Send Tell� meaning whisper the player.

� RFC: Is short for "Ragefire Chasm".

� RFD: Is short for "Razorfen Downs".

� RFK: Is short for "Razorfen Kraul".

� RR: Is short for "Redridge".

� Scholo: Is short for "Scholomance".

� SFK: Is short for "Shadowfang Keep".

� SM: Is short for "Scarlet Monastery".

� Strat: Is short for "Stratholme". (Can be paired with Living/Scarlet or UD(for Undead))

� Tank: A player that can take hits and gain aggro of mobs.

� TB: Is short for "Thunderbluff".

TBC: Is short for "The Burning Crusade," the expansion pack going live 1/17/07

� ST or Temple: Is short for "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar."

� Train: Train or training is when someone pulls a group of monsters past another player, causing them to get attacked. Please do not confuse this acronym with the training you do at your own class trainer.

� UBRS: Is short for "Upper Blackrock Spire".

� UC: Is short for "Undercity".

� Uld: Is short for "Uldaman".

� VC: Stands for Van Cleef and is used to refer to "The Deadmines".

� WC: Is short for "Wailing Caverns".

� WoW: World of Warcraft

� WTB: Is short for "Want To Buy". Usually used on the Auction channel. Example: "WTB stack of 10 light leather"

� WTS: Is short for "Want To Sell".

� WTT: Is short for "Want To Trade".

� XP: Is short for "Experience Points".

� ZF: Is short for "Zul'Farrak".

Taken from the Official WoW site, this is very likely to gain quite a few new ones in a week with the release of TBC! I added a few and modded a few to the way I know them best...



AV: Alterac Valley

AB: Arathi Basin

BG: Battleground

WSG: Warsong Gulch

And guys....feel free to add more!|||This may or may not be used in-game but I've seen OFC used here on the forums and have asked about it. No one have given me an answer (that I've seen) as to what this stands for. Any ideas, Stigg?|||OFC = Of course? Do you have a context to put it in?|||Quote:

This may or may not be used in-game but I've seen OFC used here on the forums and have asked about it. No one have given me an answer (that I've seen) as to what this stands for. Any ideas, Stigg?

Of Course I know what OFC stands for :) There are other "fun" ways to put OFC together to mean "of course"....but thats left to the imagination :)|||Well now, ofc, I feel like an idiot. I feel a rant coming on.|||Its understandable, a lot of terms and acronyms used in WoW are from textspeak, and seeing as how a good portion of the older players don't use textspeak (AIM hasn't been around THAT long...) it gets kind of confusing.

Such as QQ. Quit Crying? Cry More? Teardrops? Where did THAT come from? I'll put money on, in the near future, somebody comes up with a way to condense Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious into 3 letters....|||A friend told me QQ resembles tears coming from a pair of eyeballs. And for the most part, I can understand acronyms having a great use in such an environment such as the in-game chat channels.

But we're not in-game now. Onyxia isn't waiting around the corner, ready to fry and flay the next chump who pokes his nose out. These forums don't move that fast, nor are they a high-pressure situation like an end-game raid instance. Most of us are wasting time at work or school. Does it really take that much longer to type "of course" than "ofc"? When did we get so lazy, and why? *I knew I felt a rant coming on*

It's just like Stealth Assasin (no offense intended, you were just the first example that popped into my head) said, "i can type proper i just choose not to". So instead of taking a moment of effort and typing properly, we're choosing to be lazy and, consequently, incomprehensible simply because typing out a few more letters will take too much time away from our alloted time to waste. I get it now.

[/rantquit] Sorry for that, sometimes I'm very easily frustrated.|||I agree. I use two textspeaks when I talk. ZOMG and wtfpwnd. And I only use them because I think they are funny looking and sounding :) "lol" on occasion....but most of the time thats used to mean "I would type haha" but Im fighting and my hotkeys are closer to lol.

Or a type the textspeak to make fun of somebody/something. Like if I were to type in guild chat "ZOMG u n00b! wtf did joo do-lasaurus?" Nobody (including myself) would take me seriously....and those occasions are best saved for circumstances when somebody takes the wrong an attempt to lighten the mood.

[/rantoff]|||Awesome post Stigg, I would have loved to have this a few months ago.|||Thanks oh invisible power *cough V.A. cough* for editing the post!

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