Monday, April 16, 2012

Completed Dungeon

Hi all i hope someone can help. I just finished a dungeon which moved me to another continent now i dont know how to get back to where i started. Can anyone help?|||How about a little more information? Do you expect us to guess where you are now and where you need to go?

There are boats and zeppelins which take you to another continent, but they are faction specific. So are you Horde or Alliance? And where do you need to go and where are you now? Is your hearthstone in your bags?

Sorry to sound so blunt, but this is a very, very basic question. I don't mind helping you in any way I can, but I do suggest you read the game manual first. Or, if you downloaded the client and don't have the manual available, on the official website there is a very thorough beginner's guide to the game.|||Hi sorry, ive not used forums for years. I thought once a dungeon was finished you just re-appeared where you were when you joined. My character is an undead mage im trying to get back to the western plaguelands in the eastern kingdoms from desolace in kalimdor.

I hadnt thought of the hearthstone as ive not really used it, i do have it though so that should do the job. I was trying searching for a group to do the scarlet monastery dungeon with me to get me back.

Thanks for your help.|||Normally that happens, yeah, you get transferred to the place where you joined. I don't know what might have happened in this case, but if you get in Scarlet Monastery, you'd normally just get transported back to Desolace when the dungeon is finished.

Your hearthstone will probably be the fastest way. If I recall correctly, the nearest zeppelin you can take is in Orgrimmar, to the Undercity. If you don't have the FP, that is quite the walk.|||The hearthstone worked thank you, im glad i had it with me becasue i started trying to get to origmmar on foot and yes it is a hella long way.

Thanks again|||if you get manually summoned, you won't get teleported back - that only happens if you use the LFG tool. Is this what happened?|||Quote:

The hearthstone worked thank you, im glad i had it with me becasue i started trying to get to origmmar on foot and yes it is a hella long way.

Thanks again

Plus there are now four flight points dotted around Desolace so you shouldn't have had to walk far :)

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