Wednesday, April 18, 2012

close to end?

guys i heard wow is close to end . they allready closed down chinese servers...i also heard wow will shut all servers down (us and eu)

because diablo 3 will have more fans etc..

is it true?oh and also that catalysm is the last expansion...

is it true?

if its all false, does anyone know if wow is close to end?|||whoever you heard that from made it up from completely fresh cow-squeeze. One of the reasons given for a level cap increase of only 5 in Cataclysm was to leave room for more expansions. Chinese servers aren't shut down at all, in fact IIRC they just release Wrath of the Lich King in China. Diablo 3 has a large fan base and some of those fans overlap with WoW, but Starcraft has arguably an even larger fan base than Diablo 3, also with some WoW overlap and nothing closed down with the release of starcraft.|||Wow still has a few expansions left.|||will there still be wow in 5 years? lol

i readed alot of things now that wow will shut all servers and delete characters...and now im afraid because wow is my favourite game of all the game stable? how long do u think wow will be up?

because nothing lasts forever|||Using my [Gnomish Foresight Specs] I forsee that WoW will end in approximately 1837 days, 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 45 seconds. That puts it at just over 5 years, so you should be in the clear.

Sorry, but I'll be serious now. Given that WoW is the largest pay to play MMO and has lasted 6 years now, and is realtively competitive graphics wise and is pretty much top notch gameplay wise, I think it has at least another 6 years left in it unless something catastrophic happens. Also judging by the developer comments, they'd consider a free to play model if WoW lost a substantial amount of subscribers.

Knowing Blizzard, I think at some point they would close WoW out of quality control and being obsolete rather than from some other reason, but they're constantly updating the engine and graphics to make it a progressive game thats relatively available to most modern computers (within about 5 years or slightly more). I just don't see it going down any time in the near future or beyond.

You must be reading some very poorly informed/illegitimate articles.|||Quote:

will there still be wow in 5 years? lol

i readed alot of things now that wow will shut all servers and delete characters...and now im afraid because wow is my favourite game of all the game stable? how long do u think wow will be up?

because nothing lasts forever

Who would close down a gold mine where the gold just pours in and every time you open a new bit of the mine more players come in to send you more gold? It doesn't make economic sense.

The day you close down an enterprise of any sort is the day your customers stop buying and you don't get any new ones. That is the day when you stop making money out of it - and that day is nowhere near for World of Warcraft.|||With 12M+ people playing... I doubt its going to end soon.

(more directed at the OP)|||I don't see Wow closing down anytime soon. Maybe Wow II in the future?


Seeing as some of the NPCs are between 85 and 90, it would seem there could be more expansions in the future.|||I doubt Blizzard will make the mistake of a WoW II. They learned the lesson from Everquest, which cannibalized its own player base when it launched Everquest II.

Speaking of Everquest, that game is now eleven years old (1999), still has a dedicated player base and is still releasing expansions -- seventeen at last count. And they don't have, and never have had, a player base anywhere near as large as WoW. As of 2007, it still had about 250,000 subscribers.

And it's also not the oldest game still running -- I believe that honor belongs to Ultima Online (1997). As of 2009, it was estimated it still had somewhere in the neighborhood of 125,000 players.

Yes, you will see a dip in playing when Diablo III comes out, just as you did when Starcraft II comes out. People who play online games often play more than one. I usually have at least one game going in addition to WoW; lately it's been Civilization V. And I'll probably take some time off from WoW to throw myself into Diablo III, but neither will I cancel my WoW account when I do that.


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