Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Resaerching the game but new to it and need help

I'm currently doing some research into world of warcraft for a feature on the game and its new release. I'm not familiar with the game at all so if there was anyone that would be willing to answer some of my queries and discuss their game experiences with me and to give me an overall better understanding of it all and make the feature better that would be great.

if you are willing please post here or send me an email at *deleted for privacy reasons*

thanks in advance|||It is not a good idea to post your e-mail address on a well-known and well-spammed public forum. The spam we get here will transfer right to your e-mail inbox, and more than that.

That said, I don't see why you couldn't ask those questions here in the forum thread. Vigilant as we are in protecting our members against scams, we tend to be wary against requests like this. What is it exactly you want further information on? If it is just game information, the people here will be happy to answer them by the regular forum means. E-mail requests will not get much response.|||This video pretty much explain it all:

embed not working?|||Why would someone do research on something they know nothing about? Seriously, if you were interested in the game, you would know something about it, probably even played it.

Before anyone pipes up with something like "without research, nobody would know anything", all (and I mean ALL !!) the researchers that I know (and I know a lot), are working in fields that interest them. First came the interest, then the research. Never the other way round.|||I'm actually doing the research because I'm working on a feature for a newspaper covering the new Cataclysm release. Ideally it'd be great to speak to the people who play the game and find out what is go great about it annd try and develop more of an understanding into why the game is so popular. So if anyone would be willing to help out and I could ask them a few questions that'd be great.


Chris|||If they are general questions you may get the best answer by simply posting them here.

But here's a thought: why not try it yourself? Get yourself a 10-day trial membership and use it to get familiar with the World of Warcraft. Though you won't get a feel for the social element of the game unless you stick around for a while longer.

Here's my view on why WoW is so succesful and addictive. It's different for everyone but it's normally a combination of the following factors:

- It's a form of relaxation, just like watching TV but more active and engaging.

- It has a wide range of possible play style that suits different preferences, including solo play, player-versus-player (individual or in teams), and 10-or-25-man raiding.

- You gradually master the character you're playing. This takes effort and time, which makes it extremely satisfying when you reach a certain proficiency

- If you wish, WoW can be a social experience. You join a guild of like-minded players, play together and help each other to get advance in the game. You soon make a few good friends that you may 'meet' more often than your real-life friends.

- WoW is open to different commitment levels. If you only have time to play once a week for a few hours, then you can still have fun playing. And if you want to commit a lot of time you can join a high-end raiding guild or Arena (player-vs-player) team.

If you want to interview a single player feel free to send me a personal message (PM) via this forum with the questions.

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