Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Questions about WOW

Ok so first off I want to say that i am a veteran gamer from several other MMOs so i am not going to make a "help me learn this game because i am too lazy/stupid to look stuff up" type post.

I have several questions mostly to see if WOW is the game i am looking for.

Often i get into an MMO and it takes me a bit to get past the newb lvling and gear collecting stage like anyone. I will max out a char or two and then i get bored. I have collected the gear/levels i wish to and now i have nothing else to make me want to play.

I am NOT looking for ANYTHING involving PVP. Often for games like this that is the majority of "end game" options and that is not what i am looking for.

What i want to find is a game where i can have fun leveling and working for those goals then when i have gotten well rooted in the game i can work with others toward bigger group goals that are not pvp oriented. I understand raiding is a large part of this game's end game content. This looks a bit more like what i am wanting, to be able to work in a larger group to kill big MVP boss XYZ and to work to help others (often that is a goal of mine to help newer players later on).

Also i understand that an update is coming out in Dec 7th. I also understand that there either have been or are going to be some large changes to the game mechanics. Have these changes been done or do they still need to be done?

To go with the question above how much help/description is given to newer players through the guides etc on what gives what as far as stats etc. (I do plan to do my research but if things are going to change soon then it makes little sense to figure out builds/gear now) If the changes are done already could i get some links to places to get guides etc?

Also i know that traveling is a large part of the game (walking around) and i understand that is why there is such a large emphasis on getting the cool new mounts to get you around. I am wondering how much of game time is spent traveling from place to place and what ways help this process?

As for classes and races i understand there are several options and there will be even more when the expansion comes out. However i wouldn't mind a push in the right direction. I mostly am a person who likes the option to support a group while being able to solo well. (I often play a healer/cleric in most MMOs that i have done). From what i have seen Druid, Pally, or Priest would be more what i am looking for I am thinking. Any tips or advice there would be a great help.

Also I wanted to ask about paying for WOW etc, if I wait till the new update comes out to pay will I save money? I understand you have to pay for each update as well as a monthly subscription so I am wondering if I should just so my research etc will the update comes out then start playing.

Lastly i want to ask those that have played this game a good amount what your thoughts are on Blizzard and those that run this game. I LOVE Blizzard and have always been a large fan of it, however the reason i am leaving the game i play now mostly is due to the GMs not caring about their players. It's obvious we are not listened to and player input is almost never used or looked at when changes or fixes are put into the game. Also support for the game is a joke (the game can be down for 6+ hours before we might even get a first update anywhere as to why or what is going on and don't even think about getting an idea for when it will be back or what they will do to make up for that loss of time and money) So I am mostly asking do you as players feel satisfied with your service from Blizzard and WOW?

Thanks so much for reading and helping me with my choice. :o)|||Way too long, but let me answer some of your questions.

- Noone can say if WoW is your game. But yes there is a lot of end-game content that gets refreshed often enough to keep thing interesting.

- Raiding is indeed a big part of the game.

- 7-Dec there will be a new expansion that you'd need to buy if you want to reach the end-game content at level 85. Just 2 weeks ago a lot changed in the game mechanics, but players are mostly used to it now (and waiting for the expansion to really test stuff).

- New players are helped quite well in the game. Leveling is quite easy. It helps to find a leveling guild that can help you along a bit. And you can ask whatever you wish here.

- Mounts are useful for transportation, but a standard mount is really easy to get (at a vendor, though riding training is somewhat expensive). The focus on mounts is mainly because it's a way to make your character special/unique.

- On classes - it's an individual choice. The ones you mention (Druid, Pala, Priest) are all good great support classes. Priests are a bit harder to level I think, but the differences are minor. Just read more about them and make a choice.

- Concerning costs: you don't need the new expansion (Cataclysm) immediately unless you want to make a Worgen/Goblin. And you don't need the earlier expansion Wrath of the Lich King until you reach level 70.

- You pay a monthly fee, plus the initial purchase (for the 'WoW Battle Chest' which contains the original game plus the 1st expansion), plus when you want to the next 2 expansions (Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm).

- I'm also a supporter of Blizzard. Sure there are moments when the server is slow, maintenance takes too long or bugs drive you crazy. But generally the support they offer is fast and effective.|||From what i understand if you buy the lich king you get the other games with it, is that true and if so will that happen with Cataclism?|||Incorrect.

If you buy just LK and don't already have Classic and TBC you will need to buy those also...same goes for CATA.

You may be able to install the entire client and play off the disk from CATA currently and later CATA but you need the retail keys from all of the games to upgrade your account all the way. And you can't play through levels associated with one expansion without having it activated...nor will you have access to professions or classes from an expansion.

For example if you bought jjust CATA as you say you might be able to create an account but you would not be able to play CATA becasue you do not have the others installed. Same goes for having Classic enabled, you can play to 60 but can't get to Outland or level past 60, play a Blood Elf, etc.

You'll need a set of retail keys for all the games.|||there are a number of ways to help you travel. There are flightmasters in every town who can put you on an air taxi and send you to other nearby towns. So it's not like you have to ride across the continent on a half dead donkey or whatever :D|||Some players like me offer taxi services on our two seater mounts also... for a price :)|||So if i am starting the game and want to be able to play everything when cat comes out how much will that cost me? lol|||According to Amazon (UK):

WoW Battle Chest 13 GBP (pounds)

WotLK expansion 18 GBP

Cata expansion 25 GBP


Total 56 GBP

Or about 70 Dollars.

Add to this the monthly subscription, which is different per country but is around 15-20 Dollars.|||I think it's fair to say that the endgame for WoW is much more PvE (raiding) oriented than PvP based, so that should work out well for you. As long as you pick a PvE server, you can pretty much completely ignore the PvP aspect of the game. While there are endgame PvP options out there, this is primarily a PvE game.

The expansion is making very large changes. Most of the base classs changes have already been made, but things are still being tuned, and I wouldn't expect things to settle down until everyone has been level 85 for a bit and they have more data. So, you can start looking up guides now, but keep in mind that things are going to continue to change (although the basics are pretty set right now.) Just be aware that a lot of guides really haven't been updated yet. I wouldn't expect to see new class leveling guides until Cataclysm actually comes out. Make sure any class guide you use is labeled 4.0 or Cataclysm.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, though. The game eases you in pretty nicely, and there is a lot of room for error as you level, so you don't have to get things perfect. Also keep in mind that you can change your talents around whenever you want for a bit of gold, so you don't have to worry about making a mistake.

There is a fair amount of travel time in the game. I haven't played other MMOs though, so I can't really compare. I would say that WoW has a lot of pretty good ways to get around though. There are often portals available to popular spots, and you can use flighpaths to get around.

As far as the cost goes, I took a look on Amazon and here is what they had:

WoW Battle Chest (Original Game + Burning Crusade Expansion): $40

Wrath of the Lich King Expansion: $40

Cataclysm (Pre-order): $40

So, you are probably looking at about $120 to get everything. If you want to break it up into smaller chunks, the Battlechest will get you access to everything but Goblins and Worgens to start. You don't need Wrath until 55 (if you want a Death Knight) or 70 otherwise. Cataclysm will come into play at 80.|||Ok so i am really mostly now trying to find some nice guides to Pally that will still work for Cata. I have found a large number of them but i have not found any that have updated information for this new update.

Anyone have any i could use? *puppy eyes* lol

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