Monday, April 16, 2012

Post Cataclysm Newbies

First, I apologize if this has been discussed... I've tried to search for an answer and have been unsuccessful. The sticky above regarding expansions didn't have this info as far as I can see.

Anyway... I'm thinking about trying WoW. I've only played one MMO before, Guild Wars, and came into that pretty late. If I were to start playing WoW, what could I expect if I just bought the vanilla package (i.e. no expansions?)

Would there be other people I could play with, or would most of the community be in in the Cataclysm world?

Hopefully this question makes sense... I'm just wanting to give WoW a try without having to buy the game + all the expansions until I'm sure I want to commit to it long term. :)

Thanks!|||You can pretty much play the same things with everyone up to level 60 at that point, with some restrictions on race (no draenai, blood elves, worgen, or goblins), class (no death knights), and professions (no achaeology, inscription, jewelcrafting).

However, Blizzard is doing a 10 day Cataclysm trial, I believe. So you can actually try it out (and I'd suggest it - the goblin and worgen starting areas are much more interesting and a better hook).

So everything would be almost the same as having all of the expansions - you'd just have some limitations. Now, the trial accounts also have restrictions, but not enough, I think, that you won't get a good experience and idea of the game.|||But if you do use the Cata trial version you will probably have to buy ALL the expansions to continue playing with the same character once the trial period ends?|||If you're thinking about trying WoW it's going to be the Classic Trial you will be playing. You won't be missing anything content wise at that level anyway. You won't have to buy all of the expansions off the bat, just Classic to start.|||Classic+TBC = Battle Chest, should be able to get it for 30 USD at the store....would be 20 each to buy them separately

the 10 day cata trial is for current subscribers who have not yet upgraded|||Ah, my mistake then. I could have sworn that they announced that the cata trial was for anyone, not just current folks.

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