Saturday, April 14, 2012

Old Newbie

[:1]Hi all,

I used to play this game for like 5-6 years ago and some even recognize me from WoW or D2 (Can anyone spell GAT or KTA). I am not planning on comming back full time but my son wants to play, so i figured I'll give him an hand and set things up.

Yesterday, I went ahead and made an battlenet account and merged my old WoW account to this one, and behold... my old chars are still there.

Anyway, is there a way that we (Me and my son) can use the same installation of WoW and still have differnet Battlenet accounts?

Like if I go ahead and buy all additional packages for my account, can my son use the same computer and the same installation but use a separate account?

/Nex|||If you buy your son a new account, he can use the same computer and client, no problem. It's the account key you are paying for, the client is actually free, you can even download it for free on the official website. If I am not mistaken, I think that, as a parent/guardian, you can allow one minor to share your account, but if you want to play together with your son in the future, it might be nice to actually get an entirely new account for him too.|||wow - there's a blast from the past :-)|||Hey Waflob,

Still hanging around i see :)

I see that some of my old friends still frequent the forums here..

Thanks Snow,

I look up sharing the account for now...

But if I in the future want to get him his own account, i will need to buy "all" releases of WoW for him also?

Just checking so i can tell him how much its going to cost him ;)

/Nex|||He will only need to buy his own copy of WoW (yes, all the releases) if you both want to play at the same time on different computers.|||Thanks,

okay, Then we will start of with one copy see how that goes... he probably wont lpay with me anyway as he has friends playing...

/Nex|||Hey Nex. Long time no see.

I'd hold off on buying the game for a tiny bit. There was word of another battle chest, which would drop the cost quite a bit. At the very least go check out if that's in the near future at all.|||Hey Aerath,

Nice to see you around here. How are things? I tried to look in the GAT forum but it seems to be down. I wanted to say hello to all you guys.

I will just buy the extensions for my son and let him play. I will probably just check my old chars and see how things are now. other than that I will not start up again.

Looking on him playing on a trail account now brings back memories, and they are not all good. I realize that I already put in more time into this game then what is healthy for me... ;)

It is a good gane, but I will just hang back and whatch my son play and help him when things gets to complicated.


Nex|||Yup, GAT forums had some issues. There's a not-so-temporary server, but I have my doubts a lot of people moved there.

Det's still active over at the MMO-Champion forums, I lurk there a bit as well. Not playing that actively myself anymore. Found the game's become more than a bit of a drag and didn't find Cataclysm to offer much in the sense of refreshing the feeling other than that of annoyance tbh.

You considering Diablo3?|||Havn't looked into any new games lately as I have taken an active choice to not begin any computer playing. I know what will happen and it will basically ruin my current life, which i happen to like very much.

So i will only follow any gaming for a distance and only get close by when my son need some help.

But it sure looks like a fun game. ;)

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