Monday, April 16, 2012

Not gaining experience?

Hi, i'm less than a week new to WoW. I'm a human warrior and started out in the Stormwind area. Right now, i'm level 16 and in the Dun Morogh area. I remember killing a bear and was happy because it was good XP (for me, anyway, lol). But all of a sudden, i'm gaining NO XP from ANYTHING. Not even quests! Does anyone know what's going on? I logged out, then back in, thinking it was a bug or something, but it's not helping :( Was wondering if anyone could help me...|||XP is dependent on your level. In the case of mobs (monsters), you will only gain XP if their name tags are green/yellow/red (red will probably kill you though) to you. If the creatures name is gray you will not gain XP. This occurs when the mobs level is too low for your own.

XP from quests works the same way. In your quest log quests will have different colors similar to the mobs name tags. If the color is gray then you will not get XP.

Chances are that if this is happening to you then it is well overdue for you move to the next zone.|||Quote:

Hi, i'm less than a week new to WoW. I'm a human warrior and started out in the Stormwind area. Right now, i'm level 16 and in the Dun Morogh area. I remember killing a bear and was happy because it was good XP (for me, anyway, lol). But all of a sudden, i'm gaining NO XP from ANYTHING. Not even quests! Does anyone know what's going on? I logged out, then back in, thinking it was a bug or something, but it's not helping :( Was wondering if anyone could help me...

Suggest you try Loch Moden for experienc. You can also take the tram to Stormwind, head out into Elwynn forest, and head West until you enter Westfall. You will get great experience here and duskwood is right next door where you will want to go for your 20's.

Edit: Wherever you go - DON'T forget to get your flight paths.|||so i looked at the monsters name and it has a yellow i killed it and i still didnt get exp but i still do get exp from quests

i even killed one with a name in red and it still didnt give me exp|||Lol, just because it's name has yellow or red above it doesn't mean it will give experience. It is dependent of it's level. If you're 16, I believe the lowest you can fight against would be a level 11 for experience, a level 10 I don't believe would grant experience.|||Also some mobs dont give XP if they are part of a ride/use X and kill them quest.|||im a level twenty in westfall killing twenty twos and doing quests. not gaining any xp. people were red and quests were not gray|||Quote:

im a level twenty in westfall killing twenty twos and doing quests. not gaining any xp. people were red and quests were not gray

Do you happen to be on a trial account? There is a level cap of 20.

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