Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need help deciding on a new class

Hi all,

Right now it looks like for Cata I will be playing my lock and mage. I like both classes lot. With my lock I can heal, cc, drain mana, and have a pet. Mage is pretty much the same, slow, frost nova, sheep, spell steal, and silence. I also like kitting too.

Now I like to start working on another class, and was wondering what class would give me the same kinda game plan.

So I like to hear everyones thouhts on it.

Thanks.|||So you like casters that have versatility.

I'd consider (in random order):

- Shadow Priest

- Balance (Moonkin) Druid

- Elemental Shaman

I won't describe them to you since I assume you've seen them around.|||Quote:

So you like casters that have versatility.

I'd consider (in random order):

- Shadow Priest

- Elemental (Moonkin) Druid

- Elemental Shaman

I won't describe them to you since I assume you've seen them around.

Well I was thinking of a Shadow Priest. Fears, Silence, Mana Burn, heals. Thanks for the Moonkin and Elemental Shammy sugestion. How do they stack up againt a healer in pvp?|||I'm not familiar enough with them to tell you how they do in PvP (and what do you mean - 'against a healer'). Shadow priests rule in PvP, I know that.

Note that in Boomkin form a Druid can't cast healing spells, which may be awkward in PvP.|||go for rogue... the stealth is very useful

at lvl 80 they have aoe!

and also very good dammage....

u can dungeon or pvp level them up fast!

i hope i helped :D

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