Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Raid loot

I am not new to the game but I am fairly new to raiding. I started doing the ICC raids. Now I did that raid 4 or 5 times before I realized everyone was quitting right before we co to kill all the bosses and LK. My question/complaint is after 5 runs thru I got 1 piece of shoulder leather that was not even close to the level of what I already had. Now whenever I clicked on a dead mob or boss all was red and inaccessible , so i figured out, with no help from anyone in the raid, that you had to roll for it. My question is how to I know when to roll and how do I know what I'm rolling for? I kept seeing people rolling but never saw anyone say what they were rolling for or why they rolled at that time. Did the Group leader get all the stuff and then whisper to certain people to roll and then whoever (from the people he told) got the highest roll he gave it to them? I mean I saw in the chat when they got it just like when you loot regularly. I'm completely confused. did the leader just not give me the chance to roll on stuff that I could use or did I not roll at the right times. I am completely disillusioned with the whole deal now because it burns up cash on repair and consumables and I thought I would get some cool gear or at least something good but I mean 5 times and squat? That's a little hard to take. I'm beginning to get the idea that the only way to get any raid loot is to only raid with people you know because that is who gets all the loot. Am I missing something? I saw a lot of cool stuff that I could have used each time as well as armor and weapons I couldn't use and there were only 25 people, surely one thing should have come my way. My boomkin kicks as well and people were pleased with his performance each time and made comments to that fact so I'm confused or is it really come raid with us but we're giving all our buddies the loot?

Thanks in advance for your help

LW|||Wall of text number one.... I commented on your other (identical) post.|||Quote:

Now I did that raid 4 or 5 times before I realized everyone was quitting right before we co to kill all the bosses and LK.

So they were all quitting right before the first boss ? Didnt get that far then, did you ?


My question/complaint is after 5 runs thru I got 1 piece of shoulder leather that was not even close to the level of what I already had.

So you make ICC, but actualy your gear is allready of much better quality ? Where did you get that gear ? Because honestly, there arent that many better items than what drops in ICC...


My question is how to I know when to roll and how do I know what I'm rolling for? I kept seeing people rolling but never saw anyone say what they were rolling for or why they rolled at that time. Did the Group leader get all the stuff and then whisper to certain people to roll and then whoever (from the people he told) got the highest roll he gave it to them? I mean I saw in the chat when they got it just like when you loot regularly.

Did you listen to what the raid leader said in Teamspeak / ventrillo ? Did you read the chat about loot rules ? Did you ask your raid leader ? All these questions must be answered before you even set foot into a instance, or the raid leader is not trustworthy.|||Quote:

So you make ICC, but actualy your gear is allready of much better quality ? Where did you get that gear ? Because honestly, there arent that many better items than what drops in ICC...

To be honest, since he was talking about what he could loot off of bodies (and it appeared that epic stuff was being master looted) I thinking it's likely the item in question that wasn't as good as what he had was a green that dropped off of trash or something. I could be wrong, but it seems to fit with what I could understand of his story.

Leafwolf, I'm really not sure where to advise you from here. I just can't fathom 5 different groups all failed to announce rolls for loot in chat. The only thing I can think of is that you have managed to turn off some of your chat channels. Go into the settings for your main chat window and make sure you have both "raid" and "raid warning" checked. Looting directions are usually given in those two channels in most pugs I've been in.

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