Saturday, April 14, 2012


[:1]hey guys

i want to make a macro but i have no idea how :S

i want it like

/cast savage roar , tigersfury,and use trinket

how to do that?

my english is bad, i dont really know how to explain what i want

hmm Make 1 button, i press it savage roar pops up, then i press again and tigers fury pops up, and press again use trinket|||Trinkets aren't on the global cooldown, so you can use a macro to pop them the same time as other stuff. I"m not sure if Savage Roar and Tiger's Fury are on the global, but I'm going to assume they are. For stuff on the global cooldown, you can use a castsequence macro (which will do the next thing in line each time you press the button.)

A simple macro to hopefully do something close to what you want:

/use 13

/castsequence Savage Roar, Tiger's Fury

The first line will use the top trinket spot. If you want to use the second spot instead, replace 13 with 14.

This will try to use the trinket every time you hit the button. It won't screw up the macro if it's on cooldown, but you will get the red error text saying it's not ready. There are ways to supress that, but if it doesn't annoy you, it's not necessary.

The second line will cast Savage Roar the first time you hit it, and then Tiger's Fury the second time. You will probably want to add in a reset paramater, otherwise it will remember where it was in the sequence and start there no matter how long it's been. So, say you hit it once and then don't hit it a second time. 5 minutes later you go to use the macro again. It will cast Tiger's Fury and not start over. To change that, add one or more reset paramaters. (You can add multiple by seperating them with a "/".) Some common paramaters are seconds (just list a number) combat (will reset when you leave combat) target (will reset when you switch targets) and modifier keys (like shift/alt/control and will reset it if you hit you macro key with the specific keybinding down.)

So, for the second line, you might want something like:

/castsequence reset=10/combat Savage Roar, Tiger's Fury

That will reset the macro back to starting with Savage roar if you don't hit the macro key for 10 seconds or if you leave combat.|||thanks so much it worked :D you saved my life thanks again

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