Saturday, April 14, 2012

Loremaster Title

[:1]Has anyone got the Loremaster title?

I’ve completed Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and am currently working my way through Outland.

Trouble is, I’ve ran out of normal quests in Nagrand and haven’t many solo-able group quests left either (Ring of Blood). I’m currently stuck in the ‘grandmother’ quest chain that requires me to kill the boss at the end of a 5 man dungeon in Auchidoun (I tried and died).

Since I’m a lvl 76 priest the DF tool doesn’t appear to offer an option to queue for lower level dungeons (I’ve never used it before so might be doing things wrong).

Do I have to complete these quest lines to finish the 85 (69/85) quests in Nagrand

Are they possible to do via the DFT or do I have to join a guild and do-a-guild run just to get these achievements completed?

…it might be quicker to get ‘the seeker’ title instead… 3k quests.

N.B I've been using Questguru, Qcompletelist, Everyquest and Everyquestgivers (full of bugs and kills the game eventually)|||Got Loremaster on my achi-ho (also a priest, btw), but don't recall any specific problems in Nagrand. When I was doing this, I remember uploading the char details onto wowhead and that gave a list of open quests - maybe you could try this? I also made use of EveryQuest and found it helped.|||There are several quests in Nagrand coming from loot, and a few that start in Shattrah. I remember that I also had a hard time getting to the required number there. I found a complete list at the time at a site that I can't mention here (cranium).|||Nagrand lost a couple quests in Cataclysm, so it's a lot tighter than it used to be to get the achievement. (Nagrand never had a ton of extra quests to begin with.)

So, you do pretty much have to do all of the quests now.

So, you will need to finish the Greatmother chain. (You may also need the ring of Blood chain, although I can't remember if it counts for Nagrand.) Also be aware that there are several Nagrand quests that open up from a quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley.

Just as a warning, you will likely run into similar issues in BEM. You can't get that achievement without doing at least some of the Og'rilla prequests, and many of those are 5 man group quests.

Netherstorm can be done without the group and dungeon quests as I recall, but Shadowmoon Valley might require some group quests.

My recommendation would be to do what you can in Outland, and then move on and work on the Northrend and Cataclysm loremaster achievements. You can come back and solo the Outland stuff later. (I know I've done them on a couple of priests at 80, although they had some raid gear and specs have changed since then. However, at 85 with blue intro dungeon gear, it will be trivial to solo. You can probably do it a lot earlier, but things have changed enough since I've done it that I can't really advise a specific level.)|||Ty for the replies, I took Cattleya's suggestion and carried on with Northrend quests instead, 4 zones done with several hundred more quests to go.

Just turned 79 and upgraded a lot of my gear for lvl 282+ stuff which which is a huge jump in stats and DPS from the gear I have been questing in.

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