Wednesday, April 18, 2012

leveling agan...state of classes

I'm about to be off work for 9 days straight, with the family out of the house most of the days (knee surgery / recovery)... I wish I could have timed it to coincide with Dec 7... but alas, it's the week before...

I have leveled a priest and hunter to 80, a pali and druid to 40something.... and every other class to 20something...

I have not been into it much in the past couple of years (just paying my $15 / mo though), my peak was TBC.

So if I'm going to crash level a new class, any recomendations? Pally is temping, I could tank, heal, or dps... well, maybe...

but really... if I'm doing it... what is OP now... I've never been the op class (well, hunters are pretty easy to level, but I didn't do much other than level that class).

I've hard mages are op now... I coudl grind one up pretty quick I bet....



Barry|||ret paladins and frost mages are both very good now at low levels.|||Because the new expansion Cataclysm is coming out in 2 weeks it's impossible to say which classes are strong or weak, and even if we can it's irrelevant because Cata and various patches will change things all the time the coming month or so.

Also note that at the moment there's a lot of stuff going on in the major cities as a build-up to Cata (including elemental invasions in Stormwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff) that may make leveling a character somewhat annoying.|||Prion, Thanks for the thoughts. I'm thinking of leveling my paly. My hunter who is not geared, is much more painful to farm with than he was prior to 4.xx.

I'm really not asking for input on the overall concept of class balancing on a MMORPG, I've been playing for years, I know all that. If I wasn't clear in my original post, I'm only asking about the snap shot of what we know now.

I don't plan on being around major cities much while leveling.



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