Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just a couple questions before I buy this game..

[:1]Hey Guys.

I've been itching to get into Warcraft; probably going to buy the game in a day or two. I was thinking of getting the Battlechest and a time card.

A question I had ( hope this doesn't sound stupid), concerning naming characters. Can you have spaces in them, such as say, John Doe? Or are names limited to one name, such as John? If that is the case, do people sometimes make two named characters, but without the spacing, say a JohnDoe? Or do most players just have one named characters?

I know this sounds petty, but when I play a game where I name a character, I do put a lot of thought into it. I don't want some random generated name. I want to come up with something myself for character or characters I play as. What is the maximum length a name can be?

Another question I have is when I buy a time card, is it 60 days in real time or 60s days of game time? There is a difference.

This forum looks pretty decent, by the way. I didn't really like the format of the official forums, so I googled and found this place.

I think I want to play as a female Blood Elf and a Warlock.

Thanks in advance for anyone who gives me replies.|||Hi Wonka

Names are limited to No space's so JohnDoe. Yes you will see quite often people combine 2 names into one.

Names are limited to 12 charicters.

The 60 Day game card will last for 60 days Real time.

Hope this helped :)|||Bummer about the name format.

Thanks for the reply in any case.|||Welcome to the forums! We are a nice bunch, glad to have you aboard.

About the names, it might be a bit petty, but I know exactly what you mean. Being an old skool RP'er, I like to feel immersed in the game, and it's hard to feel immersed when you have characters running around called "Leethealerboy" or "Ipwnyourmom". But they will always be there, it's the internet. In Guild Wars, you could have two names, but that system was rapidly abused as well.

Word of advice, join an RP server. You have stupid names there too, but it is noticably less than on other servers. They also have a more strict naming policy, at least in theory. As an added bonus, the players on an RP realm are in general more mature and nice.|||Yes, I used to play Guild Wars, so I do recall their naming system.

As a kid, I remember over a friends house, watching him play Ulitma Online. I remember him encountering a character named dragonslayer (or perhaps it was Dragon Slayer depending on the name format), which was annoying as it was just a description. So my buddy and dragonslayer are going through a beginner dungeon, when some highly experience guild members of some sort show up, they give dragonslayer the once over and said, he'll never live up to that name. That insult always stuck with me, but it was well stated, as certain descriptions need to be earned, not just given.

Then on the other hand, the single most annoying name I've ever seen, something along the lines of PimpMasterZ.|||If you do decide to play on an RP server, most RPers use some sort of addon that lets them add a bit more of a description for their character that other users of the addon can see. For the most part what I've seen in these cases are that people use the official in game character name for either a first name or nickname of their character. In the addon, they will list what they consider to be their full name.

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