Saturday, April 14, 2012

WoW ''buddy''...


I'm pretty new to World of Warcraft and so far the game itself seems quite empty(I'm level 52). I asked a few players, a GM and they told me most players already were 85.

I've tried joining a guild but.. yeah.. it just didn't go. :(

Questing/leveling and exploring alone is a little boring(feels like a singleplayer game :p).

Anyways I'm here to ask if here's anyone who would like to ''start up'' a new character with me.

Oh and I'm on EU.


Smellycheese|||Best advice is to join a guild, what server are you on? If there arent alot of ppl, try a higher pop server|||Hmm, yes. You're probably right. I'll move to Stormreaver :)

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