Thursday, April 12, 2012

DPS And Gear Help

[:1]Ok first off I hope this is the right place for me to post this just in case I will post in general as well..... So I a lvl 78 fury warrior and I looking for some help with raisng my DPS it seem everytime i'm in a dungeon or something when someone does recount i'm always last or second last. I dont know why i mean i hit the buttons as fast as i can. when i hit a mob my dps says likr somewhere from 800 -1200 a hit any help or tips would be amazing. Also i'm worried about gear i'm ahving trouble figuring out where to get better gear or what gear to get could someone give me alittle overview on gear like that is season gear and such thanks i appreciate any help you could give.|||I'm not an expert in min-maxing, but I may be able to help.

Its natural for dps to varry based on class and spec, and the situation you're in. There are a few factors in this, it could be a lack of gear, or perhaps a bad damage rotation, etc. We could start by checking out your armory, or you could just tell us what you character name and server is.|||ok my toon is daviddragoon and my realm is dawomere (not sure of the spelling sorry)|||For talents and glyphs, I'd suggest this:

For gear... you're best off running through a questing area like Stormpeaks and picking up some new stuff since you're lvl 79. You have quite a few lvl 70 items, which seems strange, and a mail chest piece instead of plate, so that would account for a lot of the low DPS (wearing plate in all slots gives you a dps boost). Try to focus on gear with Strength, Stamina, Critical Strike Rating, and Hit Rating. Haste is ok too, but you want to stay away from Dodge Rating and Resilience (resilience is a PvP only stat).

I'd highly recommend gearing up before going to Cataclysm areas, or they'll destroy you.|||thanks so much for the advice i will try it out. i think my other problem with my dps was i had not being using my buffs that much and i'm still a little confused on a rotation. My only thing with the gear is i will get a chance whether threw a dung or questing to get something new but it seems like the armour value is lower so i want to know if the say my chest piece is 1500 armour and something like 55 stg 44 staminia and the the new piece is 300 armour 60 stg 50 stamina what sould i do? should i always go for uping my stats or up my armour?|||Your new gear should always be plate (mail is bad, as it will not activate the buff you get from having plate in all slots), and the armor should always be higher if its an upgrade (armor count isn't really a concern while leveling since you aren't a tank, but plate will raise dps over mail, etc.). When you hit lvl 80 you're going to have a hard time even questing without some proper gear (I had ilvl 200~ gear when I went to Hyjal and it was still a pain). That, and Cataclysm dungeons have an ilvl requirement to enter the dungeon finder, so you'll have to quest through at least one or two areas in Cataclysm before dungeon running again.

Your weapons are more significant overall in your DPS (actual weapon DPS, and DPS from your attacks), and you're using a lower level weapon in your main hand, switching that will help alone (most attacks focus on the main hand weapon). Saronite Mindcrushers are lvl 78 blue maces crafted by a blacksmith, they'd raise your weapon DPS by 1/3rd.

As a recap: Strength>Stamina>Hit>Crit and armor always increases. A slow higher dps weapon in the main hand will improve attacks.

For your rotation, its been awhile since I've played Fury spec since it lost alot of its healing, but you'll mainly use bloodthirst, slam when it procs, raging blow when you're enraged, and victory rush when available. If you're building up too much rage, use heroic strike, and for AoE use Whirlwind and Cleave. I'll double check this when I get a chance.|||Why not just buy cata greens off the A/H, you can get them at 78 (more at 80)? If the people you're comparing yourself to are wearing cata stuff, it could explain the difference.

Don't worry about spending the gold as you'll get several thousand gold just questing through the cata areas.

Sorry can't find your toon

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