Wednesday, April 18, 2012

blizzard downloader

this downloader is way to slow, im trying to download the patches,but to do i turn off upload rate???

that might speed it up. ty

pls answer ASAP|||You can't as far as I'm aware being as the downloader works on P2P the speed will depend on how many others are downloading or seeding the file.

The only other way is to download the patches directly from mirror sites.|||You can disable the P2P in the launcher options. (I have to disable it or I have significant issues with my internet when patches come through.)

However, disabling it really doesn't affect your download speed. (If anything, it can slow it down in my experience.)

As fluffydice said, you can look for a mirror with the patch and see if they have a faster download speed, but I think your best bet is to just suck it up and wait. (If it's a big patch, I'll just set it up to download overnight.) You basically have to remember that you have 12 million people all trying to download the same information, and bandwith is ultimately limited.|||If you disable P2P you download straight from Blizz. If you enable P2P you get additional downloadstreams from nearby uploaders. Your uploadspeed shouldn't affect your download-speed though..

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