Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Upgrading account info- Help Please!

I am sorry if this is posted some where, I did browse around and search first however I didn't find it.

My question is this:

My husband has a trial account.

We own a "vanilla" copy with a serial key, unused. offers a package for cataclysm pre order right now for 99$ that includes "Vanilla- WOTLK - BC & Cata Pre order".

If he activates his "vanilla" copy he has here at the house, will the above offer still be available for him?

Or considering he will have activated the "vanilla" copy already will they offer him " Wotlk - BC & Cata Pre Order " at a reduced price under the 99$.

If any one happens to know this info it would be greatly appreciated. Currently he just hit 20 on his trial and we are debating whether or not to use the "vanilla" copy serial key we have or should he just go for the cata pre order package in fear that if he uses the key then we lose that option of saving the money.

Thanks from a 3 day old newbie WoW player.

Jade|||no. The upgrade can only be used with one retail account no matter what game level.

It's either the package or his vanilla. ...i believe.|||So pretty much your saying if he uses his vanilla key, the package still stays the same of 99$ regardless if he's got the vanilla version already, right?|||yeppers.

What you can do is buy the package then set up a dummy account with another email address then send a RAF from the main account to the dummy one and use the key on the dummy one to activate the dummy account and buy one extra month.

You will get a free two seater flying mount that you can then use on one toon on the main account. This way you dont waste key.|||I apologize but you just totally lost me. Say what??? LOL

Btw My account is already activated with a Cata Pre Order|||Recruit a friend program:

mount:|||Ahh I see thanks|||Or you can give someone wow classic as a holiday gift !

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