Saturday, April 14, 2012

World Explorer Achievement

[:1]I got bored after reaching lvl 70 on my priest and with my professions stuck at 450 and with no Title to speak of, I started doing this achievement.

I've completed everything except the Cata areas (excluding Uldum) and recieved the 'Tabard of the Explorer' but to get the darn title I still have to do the new areas.

Can you get into the Cata zones at any level or must I wait till I'm 82?|||I think you should be able to explore/fly over all of them, except perhaps Deepholme (since that does require particular access through a portal, if I recall correctly). And that one will be the post-80 one for access. The others you should theoretically be able to explore before that time (though Vash'jir may present some difficulties getting to it - I've not tried that flight on a mount).

Why not just level up to 80? The leveling is faster now...|||You can easily fly to Vash'jir from Dun Morogh. Won't even get close to dying from fatigue.

The problem will be, as dusk said, Deepholm. The only way in there is doing an introductory quest at lvl 82. If you really want it, you might be able to get a warlock to summon you there. Not sure if it would work, but worth a try.|||If what you want is the achievement and title, you don't have to explore anything in Cataclysm - only Kalimdor, East Kingdoms, Outland and Northrend. There is an "Explore Cataclysm" achievement but it's not needed for World Explorer.


If what you want is the achievement and title, you don't have to explore anything in Cataclysm - only Kalimdor, East Kingdoms, Outland and Northrend. There is an "Explore Cataclysm" achievement but it's not needed for World Explorer.


Ren, I'll check again tonight, but I believe it has been updated (googled loads) and you are now required to complete the Cata zones too.

Ty Anyndra, It does appear that you can get summoned into Deepholm, it's how all the lvl 1's do it... and I thought it was tedious at times at lvl 70!! Just need to find someone willing to do it.

Finally I've been waiting till I'm 75 (74 1/2 currently) so I can continue training Herbalism and Alchemy whilst traversing the Cata areas.


Now I have my Illustrious Alchemy and Herbalism I've continued exploring.

Finished Twilight Highlands, Vashj'ir and Mount Hyjal...just need to do Deepholm now :(

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