Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sell mats or use for leveling?

[:1]Hi people!

I started playing not long ago, and have some questions. My main character is a level 61 hunter with skinning and mining as professions. During my leveling ive gathered a LOT of ore/bars/stones, leather/hides and so on. I have not sold anything yet (haven't really needed the money) and my bank is almost full. Now should i sell my mats and make a hefty profit, or is it better to use the mats to level up another character? I have a 58 dk in stormwind which i was planning to use as an auction character (at least for now until im done leveling the hunter), and was wondering if i should pick up blacksmithing and leatherworking considering i have a lot of mats for those professions.

So what do you think is most profitable and smartest in the long run? Sell? or send the stuff to my dk?|||a DK won't benefit too much from leatherworking, although I do know of plate wearers who take LW specifically for the wrist 'enchant'. LW is probably more suited to a class that wears leather or mail.

Blacksmithing is more suitable for a DK. There is the extra socket that can be drilled in wrist and glove items (500 in BS, I think), as well as nice 359 gear at higher levels.

Sounds like you're in the enviable position to do what is most fun ;-)|||Well you could level the DK in Blacksmithing up to 375 (at their current level), I did that to level Inscription quickly, but then found I quite liked the DK.

Or just create Bank Alts and send everything to them, you've only got two toons so you could have 8 bank alts to level later if you wish.

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