Monday, April 16, 2012

Reached lvl 80 and...

So i got my Priest to lvl 80 and thought t his would be good, infact its crap. I cant seem to get a gs beyond 4800, and no one eill take me on ICC unless i have the achic and a 55oo gs, wtf??

Im constantly doing random HC and all the items are ****.

I thought the game would start at lvl 80, but its just crap there is absolutly nothing to do.

I dont know where to get better itesm to get to go on ICC raids, I cant make money very well and im just dissapionted with reaching lvl 80

Im a newish player, only been playing for 3 months, and i find most wow players are selfish moaning little retards, im just bored now with it|||That's a fact of life at 80, you won't have much of a chance to get into ICC because you are a liability: You don't know the fights and are a liability to the raid and you are still a bit undergeared. Even harder now that CATA is out.

Get better gear from TOC 25 and find a guild that will learn you the ropes....and level to 85 in the mean time.|||My advice would be to forget lvl 80 raiding and just carry on levelling. The gear from quest rewards is something like iLvl 272, which will be an immediate improvement for all but the highest level raiders (heroic ICC drops iLvl 277).

Your GS will improve quickly as well (* add obligatory comment about how people who rely too heavily on GS are not all there *)|||IMO you didn't miss much in ICC it wasn't a great dungeon.|||Thanks guys, yeah there is a lot to do in the meantime, I have a rogue i started and got annoyed with coz i coulndt play it, but now i respeced to sub and i can tell you that BG's are a right laugh!

I should try to learnt to be a better healer priest, i dont know whats best for bgs and whats best for dungeons, I like Disco priest, but Holy seems to be better and groupe healing.

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