Monday, April 16, 2012

microphone support


i was told wow has mic support which seemed real cool. i tried to login with the mic but it doesn't work. can someone help me set it up? i dont want to use keyboard cuz its possible someone could see but i dont even really trust the mic cuz ppl can hack those too. i already have that problem with someone else but it could actually be youtube so i don't know. plus i bet the guy who listened into my mic didn't think i had two lol.

anyway anyone to help me out?|||You need either ventrillo or teamspeak and a server.

WoW (if I remember right) has a public version of voice communication built in but it's crappy and almost no one uses it.|||k thanks i'll try it|||gorny sorry for the delay. i couldn't try it until tonight.

i tried ventrilo and it didn't work. in fact even its own login didn't work. i don't know if it's my voice not picking it up but i tried the most easy password to pronounce. of course i can't tell it to u lol but it's simply not working. i haven't tried teamspeek yet, tho.

i know what ur asking: how did i even come HERE without being able to speak my login well that's cuz i don't care about this login but i care about my wow login. my neighbors already cared about my singing so i bet they would have been interested in my wow.

although they aren't here anymore. maybe i can risk it.|||You can't just install ventrillo and use need to get on someones vent server. without a server to connect to, nothing is going to happen.

And please:

Gorny, not gorny.

I tried. Not i tried.

You're. Not ur.

You and not u.

Though. Not tho.

Trust me, it will help you get more serious replies on forums...and it will save you plenty of frustration when playing WoW.|||K fine.

So what is the point of Ventrilo if you can't even use it to log into wow? The whole reason I'm doing this is to prevent me typing the user/pass into the keyboard to prevent hackers from seeing it. I want to be able to log into wow with Ventrilo, then probably only use it for that unless perhaps I go into a guild or something.

Also how well does ventrilo or teamspeak mask your voice and what you say? If one can record what you type they can also tap your microphone and speakers. As I said I'm already having that problem with other microphone and headphones, although again I don't know for sure yet. Maybe I just need to make sure I don't have YouTube running when I am logging into wow.|||Ventrillo is a voice program. It's used for communicatio only. There's no way to not tpye your info to log in.

If you are concerned about account security, then get a Blizzard Authenticator. Ventrillo isn't used to mask your voice.

Maybe it's me but you sound overly paranoid about all this.|||Quote:

Maybe it's me but you sound overly paranoid about all this.

Everyone calls me paranoid.

Seeing what happened to gawker and other sites you sound overly naive about all this. wow is going to be next.

I have SEEN people login via voice with no problem! It's definitely possible!

If Ventrilo doesn't mask my voice, then what does? I need this cuz my neighbors already listen to my singing. I can't have them listening to my passwords as well.

Ug, it takes my longer to type now that I have to watch my grammer.||||||Am I reading this thread correctly? Is the OP trying to log into Warcraft by speaking to his PC?

Why on Gods green earth would you want to do that? If you're worried about keyloggers you can always save your password in a notepad document and ctrl-c/ctrl-v it into the password box. Or you could even do what all us cool kids do and buy an authenticator - it makes you hack proof.

Are you that paranoid that you think your neighbours want to steal your Warcraft account? I'm sorry, you have issues (beyond the singing). If you're not a troll then you really should be seeing a therapist.

Edit: and

You really have some very serious issues. I honestly do suggest seeking some professional help.

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