Saturday, April 14, 2012

Paladin Help

[:1]Lets start with some background information..

I started my WoW trial about a week and a half ago, and redeemed the membership on the 26th. This is my first time playing the game, so I'm pretty new. I'm level 40 now.

When I was Level 10, I guess that I had decided to be a retribution paladin.. and until today, I (newbishly enough) thought that I was a tank. (which is what I wanted to be)

I have already gone down maybe 3 rows on my talent tree. So my questions are:

How do I switch talent trees?


Can I get those talent points back? Or will I be forever behind..

I'm just really confused, and panicked when experienced players in dungeons started flaming really. Its not like I knew..


Tallek|||Alright.. I think that its more that I'm confused in general|||Please do not spam multiple postings, as you can edit for atleast an hour.|||You can go to a paladin trainer, and they should have a dialog option to reset your talent points. They will charge you gold to do it, but it's not too expensive the first time. The price goes up each time you respec, but there is a cap (50g the last time I checked.) That will refund all of your points and let you start over in the tree you want to.

As for tanking itself, you might want to take some more specific questions to the Paladin forum to get some help there.|||Any trainer can give you your points back. The first time is 1 Gold I think? Well it was back in Vanilla anyway.

For tanking, go Protection. Mind though that you will level a bit slower as protection. Retribution is the way to go for fast leveling. But just enjoy the game as u want to really :). I started out slow hehe.

Also, I think the talent trees nowadays give a good description of what they are meant for, so you can find some helpful information when you View the Summaries of your talent trees.|||I think the first time is actually free, but yeah, it does cost afterwards. There is also the option to have two talent trees available to you once you hit lvl 30, however it costs 100 gold. So in that way you could have a tanking talent tree for dungeons, and then switch to a dps talent tree for leveling.|||Dual speccing costs 10 gold nowadays, I didn't believe what I saw at first. That, or it costs 100 at 30 and 10 at 40...|||You're correct, it seems to be 10g now. When 4.0.1 hit it became 100g (got it on my lvl 73 warrior), and it seems they've lowered it further, maybe with 4.0.3. Just dual-spec'd my paladin last night (lvl 56) and noticed the change.

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