Wednesday, April 18, 2012

naming a character

maybe im postin in wrong place...

i want to roll a troll rogue...

but i dont know how to name 1..ive read alot of guides on how to name them but i dont like any of that name,im thinking of naming it Wiggle,but i dont really know what it means and if its a name how to write it like wiggler or something. i also like aeothoper?i dont know...i also like Zenjan,but the problem is that a guy is allready using it,and he have alot of youtube videos up about his character....

maybe il stick to wiggle?? but i dont know how to write it correctly pls help|||Name him Trollrouge. Or Rougetroll.|||any other?? thats too simple i guess|||Actually, it's perfect.

WoW players all over will love you!

Or name him a variant of Susan, Justin or some such..

Name it Bigglesworth.|||Quote:

maybe im postin in wrong place...

i want to roll a troll rogue...

but i dont know how to name 1..ive read alot of guides on how to name them but i dont like any of that name,im thinking of naming it Wiggle,but i dont really know what it means and if its a name how to write it like wiggler or something. i also like aeothoper?i dont know...i also like Zenjan,but the problem is that a guy is allready using it,and he have alot of youtube videos up about his character....

maybe il stick to wiggle?? but i dont know how to write it correctly pls help

Swiftblade I've always liked for a rogue!|||i vote for slingblade then people will think you are a luney!|||Frankly, just go with something that

- doesn't make you look like a 12-year old (MasterRogue or sth)

- fits with your character (Jindar? Homak? Tenale?)

Only go for "mildly funny" names. Otherwise you'll hate it 80 levels later.

My mage is Oldfart (it's a gnome w a big white beard).|||Some ideas for inspiration:

- Read up on your race and class (e.g. on Wowpedia)

- Use Wikipedia to find real-life examples (e.g. my Hunter is called Oxossi, after an African hunter-god)

- Use thesaurus and dictionary to find words related to your toon in other languages. (e.g. if you're a rogue look up dagger or poison in Japanese)

When you find something, let the idea sink for a moment and create the character a day later. If you still like the name then you're fine.

You can always change a name (for a real-money fee of about $15), so don't fret on it too much.

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