Monday, April 16, 2012

Make Voidwalker attack first

Hi, this is a really basic question, but how can I make my Voidwalker attack a target before I do.

Currently I have to hit the target first, then he steps in and starts pulling argo, but I want him to attack first!

He's on Defensive stance, and set to Follow, I click Attack on the pet bar, select target, and all I get is "You are two far away!"!

Help?!|||If you have him on defensicve, he will never attack first. I think the mechanics here are the same as a Hunter pet. You either need to have him on agressive (he will always attack anything hostile (including opposing faction players if you and them are flagged) that is in aggro range. Or you could have him on passive and order him to attack by targetting something and clicking the attack button on his control bar.

You have your pet bar turned on yes?|||Try selecting a target and typing /petattack. You might be glitched or something, but usually a pet should attack as long as you have a target selected when you press the generic attack button on the pet bar (next to follow). If you try to use a special pet spell/attack that isn't ranged, the pet won't perform it (unless its charge or something usually).

I've not played a Warlock, but I'm guessing the pet system is similar.|||What you're doing wrong, as far as I can tell, is that you should first target a mob, and then press the attack button, not the other way around. But it's easiest to make a macro.

Make a macro:

1. Open game (press Escape), and select macros

2. Click New and choose a name (e.g. Petatt), select the icon you like for it, press OK

3. In the code field, type: /petattack

4. Drag the icon of your new macro to your toolbar

Also make a macro to make your pet come back: call it Petfol and use the following code: /petfollow

Keeping your pet on defensive is best. That way if you're attacked by a mob your demon will immediately spring into action and take the mob away from you. Aggressive means that it will attack any mob in the area and may lead to undesired pulls; use this only in PvP. Passive means he only attacks when you specifically tell him (by activating the macro) - use this for dungeons so you have more control over your pet.|||Select target.

Press ctrl-1. In case this does not work, check your key binds in the menue.

Enjoy :)|||Wow, thanks for the help/responses! What a forum!


pet bar is turned on.

And I'd like defensive, as on Aggressive he should attack anything!

@Mistro / @XAmsterdamX

Ok, something is wrong, as non of these work!

I select the target, type /petattack or use the macro, nothing works!

The "claw" pet bar attack icon gets highlighted like the Follow is already.

But he doesnt move, he doesnt do anything until I hit the target. Then he goes up and attacks!

Odd as well, as Move To doesnt work either!?

I get the same problem even on Aggressive, he does not attack!


Thats what the keybinding states! And doing this does the same as above!

Im going to reload without AddOns turned on, but this is very odd!

Tried without any addons! Didnt change behaviour!

I just cant find the pet bar now! But tried the macro and tried via tellents, still no joy!|||Sounds like either a broken install ( but why can you start the game then... ? ) or addon problems.|||Quote:

Sounds like either a broken install ( but why can you start the game then... ? ) or addon problems.

broken install, maybe!

But everything else, that I can find, works as normal! (I used to play ages ago)

addon, nope, I unticked all of them to test this!


How does one raise with with Blizzard?

(In game and/or out)|||Ingame ticket.

Look in the menu bar (that you log out, get quests, look at guild from, etc.) and click on the red "?" to open a GM ticket.

Another idea could be an issue caused by a outdated version of a UI you are using. They can cause unforseen bugs.|||Quote:

Ingame ticket.

Oh yeah, thanks, done!


Another idea could be an issue caused by a outdated version of a UI you are using. They can cause unforseen bugs.

Interesting idea, odd that nothing else seems wrong!

How would one fix that?

Re-Download 5Gb install, then 5+5...Gb updates??

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