Wednesday, April 18, 2012

how to

guys i have 10 days free trial thingie, i went to origimmar, and i dont see lagg, i mean everyone is combat i dont lagg....etc. how do i test ? i mean if i go dungeon will i lagg or in battle grounds do i see this? i dont have time to lvl up to 15 and see what happens etc....pls help what is the minimum requirement to play in dungeons etc??

ty|||Depends on the dungeon...we call them instances.

For Horde it would be Ragefire Chasm which is level 8 to get into but the advised level is 13-16. For Alliance it's Deadmines, is 15-21.|||Quote:

guys i have 10 days free trial thingie, i went to origimmar, and i dont see lagg, i mean everyone is combat i dont lagg....etc. how do i test ? i mean if i go dungeon will i lagg or in battle grounds do i see this? i dont have time to lvl up to 15 and see what happens etc....pls help what is the minimum requirement to play in dungeons etc??


If you dont lag in a capital city or in combat then you wont lag in an instance (the amount of data bouncing to and from your PC will be much less).|||Quote:

If you dont lag in a capital city or in combat then you wont lag in an instance (the amount of data bouncing to and from your PC will be much less).


Also you can check if you lag or not if you're online when an opposing faction raid is hitting your city.|||what is the max ping guys??|||i went to the store and wanted to upgrade my trial account, being a noob i accidentaly picked out the burning crusades expansion. i went home and i found that i needed the original game, now i have a code for burning crusade i cant use. would someone trade me a wow original game code for the burning crusade code.|||Quote:

what is the max ping guys??

Under 100ms is ideal, anything under 200ms won't give you a noticeable problem. You can adapt reasonably well to pings up to 500ms, but you will notice the lag. Beyond that, the game becomes a lot less fun to play.

I used to do fairly serious raiding with a ping that jumped between 100-400ms. While not ideal, it was doable.|||If you're just talking about server latency, an ideal server would likely be one close to you in geographical location. Wowpedia has a list of their locations by datacenter if you search "realm list". Another thing is the frequency at which you recieve communications from the server, for that you may want to look into "Leatrix's Latency Fix".

I'm unfortunately on a server in Phoenix, Arizona while I live in the Eastern US, so I do get lag sometimes, usually 100-200 ms. There is also the issue of your ISP, sometimes certain companies take unusual routes to pipe the data to you, if you know how to ping the server's IP address, you might want to go that far (they're listed on those wowpedia pages too).

Since you're not getting lag in cities/combat you should be good to go though.

If you're really serious about end-game stuff and general quality of life, you might want to look into progression and horde/alliance balance on that server.|||mine is about 500ms, will that be good for 5 man dungeons?

and how about battlegrounds??

thanks guys you guys help alot|||Quote:

mine is about 500ms, will that be good for 5 man dungeons?

and how about battlegrounds??

For 5 mans, it's fine.

For normal battlegrounds, it's fine.

For rated battlegrounds (in Cataclysm) it could be a problem.

Your profile lists your location as Australia. You are going to probably have that 500ms lag no matter what you do on US servers. You might want to look specifically at Oceanic servers. (When you are in the server selection screen, there are tabs down at the bottom of the window that let you choose a region.) Your mileage will vary of course. The Oceanic servers are still in the US, but they do some weird technical networking thing to reduce the latency for Australian/New Zealand players.

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