Thursday, April 12, 2012

Horde hunter viable for pve/pvp?

[:1]I am a total noob at WoW. I haven't played a single minute of it.

Okay.. I've had some experiences with other MMOs and RPGs.

I've settled on being a hunter for the horde. I am really having a hard time choosing what race i should take. A lot of people are saying troll, some orc, some undead, some blood elf.

I don't really care about aesthetics, what I do care about is the viability of a race for PvE and PvP.

This leads me to my question. What is the race that can do both PvE and PvP very well?|||All of them.

One might argue Orks or Trolls are best for PvE. This due to the racials (+pet damage & +bow damage with the best ranged weapon in game generally being a bow). None of it will matter enough to have a serious impact.

For PvP, one might argue Goblins would be the best option. Again, none of the other races would gimp you.

If you're serious about min-maxing, I'd avoid an undead though. None of their racials are remotely useful for a hunter.|||Thank you very much Aerath.

I think I have settled for Orc, mainly because I think Blood Fury would be a much better trinket (is that what you call it?) on higher levels.

And do you think that the loss of Feign Death will have a big impact?

Oh and btw. In terms of raiding and pvp, I would probably go 90% raiding and 10% pvping|||'On Use' trinkets generally give a +dps boost, so you're not that far off with the term. It's basically the same idea. And yes, Blood Fury is one of the reasons to go Ork.

I'm not sure what you mean with 'loss of Feign Death'. All Hunters have that ability (once they get to the right level).

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