Thursday, April 12, 2012

Good day folks. Help me choose a class.

[:1]I'm trying out free account for WoW and I think the game is brilliant and am about to buy the whole game and its expansions.

It came to an attention when I was choosing a class though. Because it seems like the classes are individually very unique. So I'd like to get an advice...

Race and faction aren't an issue for me since I don't really care about the looks. So it's really just the class selection I'm concerned with. A guy I met in WoW tipped me that if I had chosen a wrong class for myself, I'd make a new toon and waste all that time leveling and achieving points! (w/e the achieving thing is)

I'd like to mention that I'm an experienced gamer coming from playing SC+SC2+DOTA for 11 years. So I'm reasonably confident with controls whether it be PVP or PVE.

Anyway, here are my preference:

- A class that would most likely to portray the word "Benevolence". It's my surname in English. Haha. I know it may sound awkward but I like the idea of relating my name's philosophy to online games. Please

- A real class..not hybrids. When I looked at paladin's description.. it disgust me. So definitely not druid, shaman, or paladin ty.

- A class that is being considered the most attractive in the eyes of other players. This does NOT mean to attract attention for child's sake but to have enough attraction to make people listen when I'm in charge of any fights. I get pretty ruthless when it comes to tactics. I can't follow anyone's rule unless the guy is national rank no. 1.

- Definitely a melee class. Leading my team from behind never worked for me in Dota matches against these goddamn pro Chinese teams.

- A class that no one easily **** around with.. especially in PvP. He will have to put a good effort to beat me.. etc etc.

- A class that has the BEST disabling controls over in any field against any enemy. The reason for it would be to save my friend in my team. I get pretty angry when I let my team die before me. I want serenity in my life ty

- A class that has capacity to lead me to the top range of ranks in WoW. I'll be playing this game and focus learning for few months then start getting into serious end-gaming.

So please elaborate your opinions for me to choose a class. Also please point out if I sounded too noob. I'll understand that. I also laugh at noobs asking me ****s about SC and dota tactics.

Cheers|||Come on guys...

bump|||you didn't even wait a whole hour before bumping - not a good start.

sounds like you want to play a rogue ...|||Quote:

you didn't even wait a whole hour before bumping - not a good start.

sounds like you want to play a rogue ...

Hmm I'll remember that.. the bumping after an hour..

I was actually thinking of warrior. Is warrior any good with disables? I'm kind of liking the protection warrior play style but also subtle rogue...

So I'll narrow the options down to two.. Which one would be better fitting to my preferences? Protection Warrior or Subtle Rogue? I like both so dropping one and playing one toon doesn't really bother my mind.

I'm learning this game so much already. Loving it. Mates are going to start playing this coming weekend so please.. care to choose me a class|||wait

dont buy it yet its faster if u get recruited u get 300x exp :D just fyi if u do want to do that reply :) and nobody listens to rouges i have been playing since vanilla and i know quite a bit of the game so if we do i can help u also u think i want to try for example warrior and hunter u can try both of them because 300x exp levels you really fast|||And then he is level 85 without a single clue of important game mechanics. Yes, I love the RAF program...|||Sounds like you want to be a strong, vicious, big badass.

Sounds like a Horde Warrior.

probabily a Tauren or Orc.

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