Thursday, April 12, 2012

Getting started in WoW.....

[:1]Ok so first character and I want know some things. First I want to know which are the best pve servers for Australia. Secondly, which race has the best perks, (not the racials I mean like connections to other cities instances etc.) also which class is best for someone who doesn't want to make macros or press a million keys a second. Also if you have any tips it would be appreciated.

Thank You!|||Connections to cities and instances are basically the same for every race nowadays, and while some racial perks are better for different situations, they are pretty balanced out.

As for macro's, I've got characters of every class and never ever had to rely on macro's to play them decently, so that should be no problem.

The one sound advice I can give you is to just play a few classes for a few levels and determine what you like the most. It depends a lot - or all, actually - on personal preference.|||Nagrand looks like one of the most balanced Oceanic servers with factions (though thinly populated), according to census data (which can be faulty). All races are pretty equal in mobility, Goblins get a racial for bank access though. The mage class can teleport to cities at mid-level, and the engineering profession can access their bank, repair vendors, mailbox, etc. from anywhere at the higher levels. (So a Goblin Mage that takes the engineering profession is probably the most mobile and convenient match you can get, aside from also getting inscription for the scroll of recall)

Its not really a big deal with travel though, especially early on. With questing you just have to go from area to area and level, then you go to Outland at 58, then Northrend at 68, then back to the old world and you get handy portals in your main city (Stormwind or Orgrimmar) that go to all the 78-85 zones. So, all you really need to worry about is a hearthstone, which everyone gets from level 1 that teleports you back to an inn on a 30 minute cooldown.

As for classes, pick what you think you'll enjoy. If you want a class with a few buttons, there isn't really any. The way classes are designed for the most part are, setup skills, standard damage/healing skills, utility skills, and reactive skills.

If you take a hunter for example, setup skills would be your aspects and traps, as well as hunters mark, your standard skills would be your basic attacks like steady short, arcane shot, and serpent sting, your utility skills would be stuns/daze/silences, and reactive skills would be something like kill command or arcane shot, etc. that activate when you meet a certain goal, so activating those next would provide bonus damage/critical, etc.

Frost Mages for example, are a class full of reactive spells. Such as when you get Fingers of Frost which buffs Ice Lance damage, or Brainfreeze where you can cast an instant Frostfire Bolt, or when you freeze a target and can cast Deep Freeze which can stun or do tons of damage to stun immune creatures.

Its possible and easier to just macro a few spells together (such as hunters mark and /petattack, or intimidation and kill command) to cut down on button pressing, but its not "necessary" for normal play. You could just start using steady shot or frost bolt or w/e and just throw in another skill or two and be done, but no class is really built to just continually mash "3 buttons" these days.|||Quote:

Ok so first character and I want know some things. First I want to know which are the best pve servers for Australia. Secondly, which race has the best perks, (not the racials I mean like connections to other cities instances etc.) also which class is best for someone who doesn't want to make macros or press a million keys a second. Also if you have any tips it would be appreciated.

Thank You!

your first question is pretty hard to answer. I mean unless someone played every PvE server out there you're not gonna get a real answer.

Your second question is over all races are pretty balanced in WoW each race has their up and downs. Really you should figure out what class you want first...

Lastly as for what class you can push a million keys a second, well any class just push a million keys a second :D But usually melee class needs more macro + key pushing caster has cool down time.... Rogue I would recommend...

here is a pretty decent guide that can help you answer some of your question in more detail:

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