Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I am level 77 and have a number of items received from northrend 5 man dungeons. My question is regarding tiers. How can I tell what tier gear I have? I'm sure presently I have a mix of gear, but I am curious as to what I should use as a benchmark.

Ty in advance.|||Tier is Epic level items.

So if you are 77 and have a mix of stuff from Northrend 5 mans...none of it is tier level.

Tier 8,9,10 etc is raid level

I think Northrend Naxx gear is about Tier 8 with T10 being the current top end (and soon outdated with CATA) raid sets for both PvE and PvP.|||oh so where does one get epic level dungeon gear?|||Raids.

Wait till level 80 (not counting CATA's release) and then run things like Vault of Archavon 10(emblem versions of some T-10 gear, mostly pants, gloves, etc.) or VoA 25 for a shot at the Sancitfied versions of the same items that drop in VoA 10.

Save up Justice Points (previously Emblems of Froms for T-10 and Emblems of Triumph for T9) for for the emblem versions of T9 and 10 gear and go to the appripriate vendor in Dalaran or ICC.

For more JP don't forget Heroics at 80, the weekly (random raid boss name here) must die quest, the one time 5 man quests for ICC that have to do with FoS, PoS and HoR, and run VoA for JP.

When you have enough, you can buy non set T10 or T9 items from the vendors in Dalaran as well as the specific vendors inside ICC.

For the stuff above the T9 and T10 emblem versions, you will need to raid places like ToC 25 or ToGG and ICC for specific drops that can't be bought.|||OK thanks the tiered gear system really confuses me. still does|||Or wait one month and then start picking up green level quest gear that is better than most raiding gear........|||Essentially, tiered gear only comes from max level end-game content. Each time, or nearly each time they release new raid content, it goes up one tier. Tiers are composed of gear that usually gives a set bonus as well, tailored to your specific class or class specialization. You can also tell the tier level of gear by its item level, which is independent from the required level.

For example: Pre-60 item level is usually 5 levels higher than the level requirement to wear it. So, usually gloves that require lvl 30, have an item level of 35. It also means that lvl 30 gear usually drops from level 35 monsters or comes from level 35 quests. It gets more complicated with enchantments, as they require certain item levels depending on the expansion they were introduced in (pre-60 enchantments have no limit, 60-70 enchantments usually require item level 35, and 70-80 enchantments usually require item level 60). Add-ons, such as GearScore, add up your item level and quite a few players go by that as a meter to judge (many would say unfairly) if you are ready for a raid/dungeon.

When you start raiding at 80, its generally accepted that you need item level ~200 gear. However, once Cataclysm releases, you will get item level ~280-316 gear from the get go via quests. If you can't see the item level of gear, check your interface settings in-game and see if there is an option for it.

Honestly, I've never bothered with raiding, but I hear bits and pieces around. So, I wouldn't call that extremely accurate info, if anyone wants to correct me, please do.|||Quote:

Essentially, tiered gear only comes from max level end-game content. Each time, or nearly each time they release new raid content, it goes up one tier. Tiers are composed of gear that usually gives a set bonus as well, tailored to your specific class or class specialization. You can also tell the tier level of gear by its item level, which is independent from the required level.

For example: Pre-60 item level is usually 5 levels higher than the level requirement to wear it. So, usually gloves that require lvl 30, have an item level of 35. It also means that lvl 30 gear usually drops from level 35 monsters or comes from level 35 quests. It gets more complicated with enchantments, as they require certain item levels depending on the expansion they were introduced in (pre-60 enchantments have no limit, 60-70 enchantments usually require item level 35, and 70-80 enchantments usually require item level 60). Add-ons, such as GearScore, add up your item level and quite a few players go by that as a meter to judge (many would say unfairly) if you are ready for a raid/dungeon.

When you start raiding at 80, its generally accepted that you need item level ~200 gear. However, once Cataclysm releases, you will get item level ~280-316 gear from the get go via quests. If you can't see the item level of gear, check your interface settings in-game and see if there is an option for it.

Honestly, I've never bothered with raiding, but I hear bits and pieces around. So, I wouldn't call that extremely accurate info, if anyone wants to correct me, please do.

Well I'm not really a raider myself. I don't have the interest or the time to raid. SO I get that I can earn pvp gear through bg's and arena. Will I be significantly behind in pve gear if I never raid? Is there any equivalent to raid gear available or another way to gain tiered gear?|||The difference between non-raiding gear and top end gear is pretty vast: Cryptstalker Headpiece v.s. Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece

You can get basic item level raid gear from reputations usually, and a few items are bind on equip from raids/dungeons, and then there is high tier crafting, but the latter two options are quite expensive. You also miss out on the set equip bonuses like those from the above items.

As Gorny said, there are the justice points, which you can earn from random 5-man dungeons/dailies. Otherwise, the above are your only "solo" options really.|||Quote:

The difference between non-raiding gear and top end gear is pretty vast: Cryptstalker Headpiece v.s. Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece

You can get basic item level raid gear from reputations usually, and a few items are bind on equip from raids/dungeons, and then there is high tier crafting, but the latter two options are quite expensive. You also miss out on the set equip bonuses like those from the above items.

As Gorny said, there are the justice points, which you can earn from random 5-man dungeons/dailies. Otherwise, the above are your only "solo" options really.

OK then if one isn't interested in raiding, and is only pveing to get to max level, and gather badges etc then one could do well with lower tiered items, badge, and rep gear?

So people use the tiered gear because they want to raid is that a fair assessment?

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