Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Couple of Questions from a Newb

Hey forum, i'm a very new WoW player and what I mean by that is that I haven't even bought the game yet, I have only played the Trial. However, after getting my Human Paladin to Lvl 20 on the Trial I have been persuaded to buy the game for Christmas and I was wondering if anyone could answer these (probably pretty simple) questions.

1. How do I get all my skills to appear around the screen rather than having 8 or so on a bar at the bottom of the screen?

2. I would like my Paladin to be a Tank but i'm not really sure how to go about turning him into the ideal tank. Any advice?

3. I am planning on getting BC and WoTLK for Xmas as well but I was wondering, would Cataclysm be worth getting or does that only affect high level players?

and finally 4. None of my friends play WoW and I was hoping that I would be able to find a group, guild etc to play with here. Would anyone be interested in helping a newb find his footing? I'm on the Burning Steppes server.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the long post.

Any help is appreciated.

Synaxe|||1)You can enable extra bars in the interface options (or download an addon such as Dominos to give yourself 10 bars of 12 buttons to move anywhere on the screen).

2)Check the talents page - there's an overview of each spec (you'll want to put points into the protection tree).

3)Cataclysm is mostly aimed at higher level players but does give you access to goblins and worgen and a few other bits and bobs.

4)Try the official Warcraft forums - there should be a realm specific forum (sorry, I'm on EU-Lightbringer).

The Wowpedia site is a great source of information for new and experienced players - I have it up on my second screen a lot of the time I'm playing.|||Edit: good response already by Erinion, beat me to it. So now you have 2.

Welcome to the forum.

1. Easiest is to get a toolbar add-on (e.g. Bartender). For this download Curse from the internet (google 'Curse Warcraft'), and select the add-on in that program. Then just start playing around with the toolbars until you're happy. Also: set your keybinds the way you want by opening the Game Menu (press Escape) and select Keybinds.

2. Go to Wowpedia and read about Protection Paladins and 'Paladins as Tanks'. Too much to explain here but that'll give you a starting point.

3. If you want a Worgen or Goblin you want Cata, otherwise you can wait for a moment (same with WotLK). Read also Which game and expansions do I need: Read this first

4. You're unlikely to find someone on this forum who (1) plays on this server and (2) plays in a guild you want to join. So best is to look out for guilds broadcasting for new players in major WoW cities (Stormwind or Orgrimmar) and ask to join. Not all guilds are welcoming to new players and some may be unpleasant, so just look around until you find one you like.|||I have a rule about guilds, if someone shoves a guild charter under my nose without asking or an invite flashes up on the screen without a whisper first, I won't join.

I have joined guilds in the past but felt that I was obligated to play when they wanted to play, even if that means having to be up until 2am to play, so I don't join guilds anymore.

I'm not saying guilds are all bad, there are some good ones out there, just don't feel obligated to sign a charter or take up an invite just because one pops up.|||Quote:

I'm not saying guilds are all bad, there are some good ones out there, just don't feel obligated to sign a charter or take up an invite just because one pops up.

And if you don't like it, leave.

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